17:00 - 19:00

Technical sessions
IS - Gridshells: Computational Methods and Case Studies

Invited Session organized by Samar Malek and Christopher Williams


Room: Vivaldi 1

Chair: Samar Malek

Co-Chair: Christopher Williams

Applications of Timber Gridshells for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief Efforts

T. Imhoff and S. Malek


An equivalent continuum of gridshell model

M.L. Regalo, S. Gabriele, G. Salerno and V. Varano


Fabrication-aware design of architectural envelopes using surfaces with planar curvature lines

X. Tellier, C. Douthe, L. Hauswirth and O. Baverel


The design, analysis, fabrication and assembly of an asymptotic plywood gridshell

E. Adiels, C.. Brandt-Olsen, J. Isaksson, K-G.. Olsson, I. Näslund, E. Poulsen and C. Williams


A 4 dof discrete beam model based on bi-arcs

L Du Peloux, C Douthe, O Baverel and JF Caron


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