17:00 - 19:00

Technical sessions
IS - Wind Engineering and Fluid-structure Interaction II

Invited Session organized by Riccardo Rossi, Roland Wüchner and Kai-Uwe Bletzinger


Room: Coral

Chair: Roland Wüchner

Co-Chair: Riccardo Rossi

High-Fidelity aeroelastic analysis of Wind-Turbines in complex terrain - Fluid Model

G. Guma, P. Bucher, T. Lutz and R. Wüchner


High-Fidelity aeroelastic analysis of Wind-Turbines in complex terrain - Structural Model and FSI-Coupling

P. Bucher, G. Guma, R. Wuechner, T. Lutz and K.-U. BLETZINGER


Calculation of static deformation of membrane structures under the load of ponding water

N. Kodunthirappully Narayanan, R. Wüchner and J. Degroote


First Code of Practice for Rubber Gates in Germany

R. Gurt and M. Deutscher


Behavior of membrane structures subjected to dynamic seismic and wind forces

J. G. Valdés-Vázquez, A. D. García-Soto and A. Hernández-Martínez


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