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Invited Sessions

Call for Invited Sessions

Plenary lectures will be complemented by Invited Sessions organized by recognised experts in targeted research areas.

Participants interested in organizing an Invited Session as part of Particles 2021 are requested to submit a proposal to the conference secretariat no later than June 1st, 2020

Confirmed Invited Sessions

IS01 - Additive Manufacturing modeling using Lagrangian models
Stefan Adami, Michael Gee and Nikolaus A. Adams
Technische Universität München, Germany

IS02 - Advanced Particle Methods for Continuum Mechanics
Mitsuteru Asai, Kyushu University, Japan
Seiya Hagihara, Saga University, Japan
Seiichi Koshizuka, The University of Tokyo, Japan

IS22 - Anura3D MPM Research Community
Alexander Chmelnizkij, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
Alba Yerro, Virginia Tech, USA
Mario Martinelli, Geo-Engineering Unit, the Netherlands

IS03 - Applications of the Extended Discrete Element Method (XDEM) for the Thermal Processing Industry"
Bernhard Peters, Alban Rousset, Alvaro Estupinan Donoso, Xavier Besseron
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

IS05 - Discrete and particle methods in solid and structural mechanics
Eduardo M. B. Campello, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Liang-Yee Cheng, University of São Paulo, Brazil

IS06 - Experimental Imaging of Particulate Systems: New Developments and Synergy with Simulation
Kit Windows-Yule, Jonathan Seville and Sam Manger
The University of Birmingham, UK

IS07 - Fracture and Fragmentation with DEM
Ferenc Kun, University of Debrecen, Hungary
Falk Wittel, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

IS08 - Granular Plasticity
François Nicot, Félix Darve and Antoine Wautier, INRAE – Grenoble, France

IS09 - Hybrid Simulations and Recent Advances in The Combined Finite Discrete Element Method
Zhou Lei, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Esteban Rougier, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Antonio Munjiza, University of Split, Croatia

IS10 - Industrial Applications of DEM and CFD-DEM
Christoph Kloss & Christoph Goniva, DCS Computing GmbH, Austria
Rouven Weiler, BASF, Germany
Jose Magalhaes, John Deere, USA

IS11 - Maximum entropy-based meshless techniques
Dennis Kochmann and Sid Kumar
ETH Zurich, Switzerland

IS12 - Micro-Macro Methods: From Particles to Continuum
Stefan Luding, University of Twente, Netherlands

IS13 - Modelling soil-water-structure interaction problems with the Particle Finite Element Method
Josep Maria Carbonell i Puigbó and Marcos Arroyo
CIMNE/ Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech, Spain

IS14 - Multi-physics modeling with SPH method
Xiangyu Hu, Technical University of Munich, Germany

IS15 - Particle-Based Methods for Natural Hazards Simulation
Massimiliano Cremonesi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Alessandro Franci, Cimne, Spain
Antonia Larese, University of Padua, Italy

IS17 - Particle methods for fluid-structure interactions
Moubin Liu & Aman Zhang, Peking University, China

IS18 - Processes in natural and technical Particle-Fluid-Systems (PintPFS)
Alexander Düster, Jürgen Grabe, Stefan Heinrich
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Hamburg, Germany

IS19 - Recent advances in the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM)
Sergio Idelsohn, CIMNE-ICREA, Spain
Eugenio Oñate, CIMNE / Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain

IS20 - The Material Point Method – Recent Advances
Zhen Chen, University of Missouri, USA
Xiong Zhang, Tsinghua University, China

IS21 - Upscaling from particle micro-mechanics to industrial-scale processes
Kevin Hanley, Jin Ooi & Stefanos Papanicolopulos, The University of Edinburgh, UK
Stefan Luding & Vanessa Magnanimo, University of Twente, Netherlands

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Barcelona, Spain
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