20 - 22 of May 2014 Trondheim Norway
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Number of visits: 86391

20/5/2014    14:30 - 16:30
Performance Studies
Room: Cosmos 3B
Chair: Damien Tromeur-Dervout

Modeling and analyzing performance for highly optimized propagation steps of the lattice Boltzmann method on sparse lattices
M. Wittmann, T. Zeiser, G. Hager and G. Wellein

A performance comparison of two dimensional Fourier pseudo spectral Navier-Stokes solvers on Blue Gene and accelerated supercomputers
B. Muite, H. Servat and B.  Cloutier

Optimizing the FASTEST-3D CFD code for massive parallelism.
C. Scheit, K. Nusser, G. Hager, S. Beckerr, T. Zeiser and G. Wellein

Software integration for coupled fluid-structure interaction simulation on hybrid HPC platforms.
S. Kopysov, I. Kuzmin, L. Tonkov and N. Nedozhogin

Enabling programming model customization to exploit domain-specific information for CFD on heterogeneous architectures
S. Guzik, X. Gao, C. Olschanowsky and C. Liao

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