20 - 22 of May 2014 Trondheim Norway
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20/5/2014    11:00 - 13:00
GPU Computations
Room: Cosmos 3B
Chair: Arne Morten Kvarving

Hybrid MPI-CUDA Implementation of Unstructured Navier-stokes Solver focusing on CG Preconditioners
G. Oyarzun, R. Borrell, A. Gorobets, O. Lehmkuhl and A. Oliva

Fighting against massively parallel accelerators of various architectures for the efficiency of finite-volume parallel CFD codes
A. Gorobets, F.X. Trias and A. Oliva

A Load Balancing Algorithm Applied to Multi-GPU Simulations of Tsunamis Generated by Landslides
M. de la Asunción, J.M. Mantas and M.J. Castro

Multi-CPU and multi-GPU hybrid computations of multi-scale scalar transport.
J.M. Etancelin, G.H. Cottet, F. Pérignon and C. Picard

Parallel computation on a large number of GPUs by the DSMC method
A. Kashkovsky

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