20 - 22 of May 2014 Trondheim Norway
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Number of visits: 86390

21/5/2014    14:30 - 16:00
ParCFD Applications III
Room: Cosmos 3B
Chair: Rupak Biswas

Simulation of the oil storage process in the scopa of specialized insects.
A. Rüttgers, M. Griebel, L. Pastrik, H. Schmied, D. Wittmann, A. Scherrieble, A. Dinkelmann and T. Stegmaier

Blood flow simulator acceleration on Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor and NVIDIA GPUs
B. Hadri, S. Feki and M. Smaoui

Mixing Gas in a Section of a Fuel Assembly
C. Moulinec, J. Uribe, D.R. Emerson and D.R. Laurence

An efficient parallelization method for the evaluation of chemical reaction rates
J. Muela, R. Borrell, J. Ventosa, L. Jofre, O. Lehmkuhl and A. Oliva

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