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Number of visits: 226176

Sunday, June 20th

18:30 - 20:30
Pre Registration
Room: Auditorium

Monday, June 21th

08:30 - 09:00
Room: Auditorium

09:00 - 09:15
Opening Ceremony

09:15 - 10:10
Plenary Lecture I
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Quantifying Flow and Reactive Transport in the Heterogeneous Subsurface Environment: From Pores to Porous Media and Facies to Aquifers
T. Scheibe

10:10 - 11:00
Plenary Lecture II
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Applications of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics to Engineering Fluid Dynamics
J.J. Monaghan

11:00 - 11:30
Coffe Break

11:30 - 13:00
Advanced Numerical Methods I
Special Session organized by Philippe Ackerer
Room: Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Discontinuous Galerkin Approximation of Two-Phase Flows in Heterogeneous Porous Media with Discontinuous Capillary Pressures
A. Ern, I. Mozolevski, L. Schuh

A Generalized Flux Correction for Continuous–FEM in Advective Transport
P. Ortiz

Two Modest Improvements for Sequential Iterative Approaches in Reactive Transport
N. Leterrier, H.L. Tran, L. Trotignon

Adaptive Multi-level Modeling of Coupled Multiscale Phenomena with Applications to Methane Evolution in Subsurface
V. Klein, M. Peszynska

Modelling Heterogeneous Bi-dimensional Solute Transport Problems with the Eulerian-Lagrangian Localized Adjoint Method
F. Ramasomanana, A. Younes, M. Fahs

CO2 Sequestration I
Special Session organized by Ruben Juanes
Room: Teleensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

Practical Models for CO2 Storage
M. Celia, J.M. Nordbotten

Basin-Scale CO2 Storage Capacity Estimates from Fluid Dynamics
M Szulczewski, C. MacMinn, R. Juanes

The Impact of Local-Scale Processes on Large-Scale CO2 Migration and Immobilization
S. Gasda, J.M. Nordbotten, M. Celia

Impact Of Geological Heterogeneity On Early-Stage CO2 Plume Migration
M. Ashraf, K-A. Lie, H.M. Nilsen, J.M. Nordbotten, A. Skorstad

Investigation of the Potential Impact of Large-scale CO2 Storage in Songliao Basin on the Local Groundwater System
K. Zhang, J. Cheng, Q. Meng, R. Zhao

Interactions between Surface, Vadose Zone and Groundwater I
Special Session organized by Peter Grathwohl, Christof Beyer and Claudius Bürger
Room: Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Integrated Hydrological Modeling of the Greater San Joaquin River Basin of California using Coupled Groundwater-Land-Surface Atmospheric Models
R.M. Maxwell, C.S. Woodward, S. Moqbel, J.K. Lundquist, J. Mirocha, S.G. Smith, A.F. Tompson

Coupling Water Flow and Solute Transport in a Catchment Scale Hydrological Model
S. Weill, A.M. Mazzia, M. Putti, C. Paniconi

Movement of Dense Plumes in Variably Saturated Porous Media: Numerical Model and Results
T. Graf, C.T. Simmons, M.C. Boufadel, I. Neuweiler

Two-phase Modeling of Air and Water Flow in Intertidal Marshes
F. Zanello, M. Putti, M. Marani

Three-dimensional High-resolution Simulation of Water Transport on the Field Scale
O. Ippisch, M. Blatt, H-J. Vogel

Microscale Reactive Transport Modeling I
Special Session organized by Alexandre Tartakovsky
Room: Sala de Actos
Chair: to be confirmed

Tomographic Analysis of Reactive Flow Induced Pore Structure Changes in Column Experiments
W.B. Lindquist, R. Cai, K.W. Jones, W. Um

Pore-network Model Predictions of Multi-phase Flow Functions for Carbonate Reservoirs based on Accurate Matching of the Pore Size Distribution
J.E. Juri, M.I. van Dijke, K.S. Sorbie

Structural Characterization of Porous and Granular Materials
R. Hihinashvili, R. Blumenfeld

Dissolution and Deposition in Porous Media: determination of the Petrophysical Properties Changes using Pore Network Modeling
L. Algive, S. Bekri, O. Vizika

13:00 - 14:30
Lunch Break

14:30 - 15:30
Plenary Lecture III
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Numerical Modeling of Bedrock-Alluvial Transitions in Rivers
G. Parker

15:30 - 16:00
Coffe Break

16:00 - 18:00
Advanced Numerical Methods II
Special Session organized by Philippe Ackerer
Room: Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Comparison of Cell-centered and Node-centered Formulations of a High-resolution Well-balanced Finite Volume Scheme: application to Shallow Water Flows
A.I. Delis, I.K. Nikolos, M. Kazolea

A Modified Mass Lumping Procedure for the Mixed Hybrid Finite Element Method Applied to Unsaturated Water Flow Modelling
B. Belfort, F. Lehmann, A. Younes, P. Ackerer

A non-conforming Mortar-like method for modeling flow in 3D multi-scale fracture networks
G. Pichot, J. Erhel, J-R. de Dreuzy

Constraining Methods for Direct Inverse Modeling
W. Zijl, G.A. Mohammed, O. Batelaan, F. De Smedt

Investigation of Pore Scale Velocity Distributions and Correlations, Consequences for Upscaling Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media
T. Le Borgne, D. Bolster, A. Tartakovsky, M. Dentz, J. Carrera

Laboratory and Numerical Investigations of Variable-density Flow and Transport in Hele-Shaw Cell
H.T. Trieu, C. Oltéan, F. Golfier, M.A. Buès

CO2 Sequestration II
Special Session organized by Ruben Juanes
Room: Teleensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

On the Long-term Evolution of a CO2 Plume under a Sloping Caprock
K. Pruess

Trapping of CO2 in Sloping Aquifers: High Resolution Numerical Simulations
M. Elenius, H.A. Tchelepi, K. Johannsen

The Buoyant Rise of CO2 & two-phase Gravity Currents
M. Hesse, A. Woods, M. Golding, J. Neufeld

Entrapment of CO2 as Residual Gas during Counter-Current Flow in Saline Aquifers
D. Nattwongasem, K. Jessen

CO2 Vertical Migration through a Layered Porous Medium : Dynamics and Upscaling
M. Hayek, C. Mugler, E. Mouche

Analysis of Buoyancy Driven Miscible Convection in Heterogeneous Saline Aquifers
A. Riaz, H.A. Tchelepi

Interactions between Surface, Vadose Zone and Groundwater II
Special Session organized by Peter Grathwohl, Christof Beyer and Claudius Bürger
Room: Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Computational Tools to Simulate Aquifer Storage and Recovery in South Florida.
S. Howington, H. Cheng, S. England, L. Bittner, C. Hansen, A. Hines

Implications of Diffusive Wave Cascading Plane Simulations for the Study of Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction with a 3-D Fully-integrated Catchment Model
A.J. Perez, R. Abrahao, J. Causape, O.A. Cirpka, C.M. Buerger

Hillslope Controls on the Hydrologic Response from a Coupled Surface/Subsurface Model
M. Altissimo, M. Marani, S. Weill, G. Cassiani, R. Deiana, M. Rossi, M. Putti

Using an Integrated Surface-Subsurface Model to Simulate Runoff from Heterogeneous Hillslopes
S. Meyerhoff, R.M. Maxwell

Modelling the Coupled Surface Water and Groundwater System of the Upper Rhine Graben
C. Thierion, F. Habets, E. Ledoux, P. Viennot, E. Martin, S. Queguiner, P. Ackerer, S. Majdalani, E. Leblois, S. Lecluse

Groundwater-Land Surface-Atmosphere Feedbacks: Impacts of Groundwater Pumping and Irrigation on Land-Atmosphere Interactions
I. Ferguson, R. M Maxwell

Microscale Reactive Transport Modeling II
Special Session organized by Alexandre Tartakovsky
Room: Sala de Actos
Chair: to be confirmed

Deposition and Dissolution in Single and Multiphase Flow through Porous Media
P. Adler

Prediction of Residual Oil Saturation in Mixed-wet Networks using Accurate Pore Shape Descriptors
A.V. Ryazanov, M.I. van Dijke, K.S. Sorbie

Investigating the Accuracy of a Darcy Scale Model of Competitive Adsorption in a Porous Medium through SPH Pore Scale Modeling.
E. Ryan, A. Tartakovsky, C. Amon

Modeling Mixing-controlled Reactive Transport: importance of Compound Dependent Hydrodynamic and (hydro)mechanical Transverse Dispersion
G. Chiogna, M. Rolle, O.A. Cirpka, P. Grathwohl

18:00 - 19:00
Poster Session I
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: to be confirmed

Streamline-Based Simulations of Vertically Averaged CO2 Migration
P.A. Herrera, H.K. Dahle, J.M. Nordbotten

Modelling a hydraulic jump with a two dimensional flow model; a comparison with a physical model
E. Martínez

Sediment Resuspension Associated to Density Currents. Application to Flix Reservoir (Spain)
A. Herrero Casas, V. Medina Iglésias, A. Bateman Pinzón

Time Space Domain Decomposition and Reactive Transport in Porous Media
F. Haeberlein, A. Michel

Accuracy Control and Performance Enhancement of Linear Solvers for the Integrated Water Flow Model
M.F. Dixon, Z. Bai, C.F. Brush, F.I. Chung, E.C. Dogrul, T.N. Kadir

Boundary Data Completion as a Tool for Leaks Detection
A. Ben Abda, I. Ben Saad, M. Hassine

Finite volume scheme preserving local-maximum principles for radionuclide transport calculations
A. Genty, C. Le Potier

Centrifugation Scenarios for Determination of Soil Parameters
J. Kacur, B. Malengier, H. Budacova

Numerical Study of the Combined Influence of Water Ponding and Water Exchange between Surface Water and Groundwater on the Time Dependent Water Content of the Vadose Zone of the Alluvial Aquifer at the Erstein Polder Site
S. Ounaies, G. Schäfer, M. Trémolières, S. Defraeye

Quantifying and Reducing Hydrogeologic Uncertainty in a Fully-Coupled Land-Atmosphere Model
J. Williams, R. M Maxwell

Partially Saturated Oscillatory Flow in Sandy Beach (Numerical Modeling)
K. Alastal, R. Ababou, D. Astruc

Elaboration of a Model of Flow and Transport to Quantify Balances and to Annotate the Agricultural Extractions in the Camp of Tarragona
B. Torras, A. Pérez-Paricio, S. Jiménez, E. Ruiz, S. Jordana

Hybrid Pore-Scale Simulations of Calcite Precipitation in a CO2 Rich Environment
A.M. Tartakovsky, S. Kerisit

Numerical Investigation of Long-Term Geochemical Changes within a Reservoir and the Cap Rock during CO2 Storage.
B. Graupner, D. Li, S. Bauer

Tuesday, June 22th

08:30 - 09:30
Plenary Lecture IV
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Finite Volumes for the Simulation of Unsteady Shallow Water Flows
P. Garcia-Navarro, J. Murillo

09:45 - 11:00
Advanced Numerical Methods III
Special Session organized by Philippe Ackerer
Room: Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Large Eddy Simulation of the Lock-Exchange Gravity Currents
M. Mahdinia, B. Firoozabadi, M. Farshchi

A Description of Linear and Nonlinear Solver Failures and Cures for Unsaturated Flow Calculations.
F. Tracy

Central WENO for Shallow Water Equations in Cotravariant Formulation
F. Gallerano, G. Cannata, M. Tamburrino

Numerical Modelling of Dynamic Groundwater Table using Level Set Formulation
P. Frolkovic, P. Zacharovská

CO2 Sequestration III
Special Session organized by Ruben Juanes
Room: Teleensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

Convective CO2 Dissolution in Aquifers
M. Hesse, J. Neufeld, A. Riaz, H.A. Tchelepi, H. Huppert

Probability Density Function (PDF) Approach for Modeling Non-Equilibrium Gravity-Driven Flows in Porous Media
M. Tyagi, P. Jenny

A Non-Isothermal Two-Phase Flow Model for Compressible, Supercritical Fluids in Porous Media
N. Böttcher, C.H. Park, O. Kolditz, R. Liedl

Impact of Capillary Forces on Large-Scale Migration of CO2
J.M. Nordbotten, H.K. Dahle

Interactions between Surface, Vadose Zone and Groundwater III
Special Session organized by Peter Grathwohl, Christof Beyer and Claudius Bürger
Room: Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Numerical modeling of the effects of surface water and groundwater interactions on streambank erosion
E. Langendoen, R. Lowrance

Coupling River and Subsurface Flow Model for an Integrated Analysis of Receiving Water Quality
J. Delfs, F. Blumensaat, P. Krebs, O. Kolditz

Modelling of Transient river – aquifer Exchange using Pressure Head and Heat Measurements: the Hyporheic Zone’s Dimension
G. Nützmann, C. Levers, J. Lewandowski

Contamination of Drinking Water Supply Wells by Pesticides from Surface Water Sources
F. Malaguerra, H.J. Albrechtsen, P.J. Binning

Microscale Reactive Transport Modeling III
Special Session organized by Alexandre Tartakovsky
Room: Sala de Actos
Chair: to be confirmed

Hybrid Simulations of Reactive Transport in Porous Media
I. Battiato, A.M. Tartakovsky, D.M. Tartakovsky

On the Relationship between Multiple Porosity Models and Continuous Time Random Walk
J.M. Nordbotten, L. Vasilyev

A Stochastic Formulation for Reactive Diffusion Systems
P. de Anna, T. Le Borgne, P. Davy, M. Dentz

Quantitative Characterization of Porous Rocks: Stochastic Construction of Representative Pore Networks
Z. Jiang, K. Wu, K.S. Sorbie, G.D. Couples, M.I. van Dijke

11:00 - 11:30
Coffe Break

11:30 - 13:00
Advanced Numerical Methods IV
Special Session organized by Philippe Ackerer
Room: Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Estimating Effective Parameters using Direct Pore-scale Simulations
C. Engwer

An Accelerated Fixed-Point Iteration for Solution of Variably Saturated Flow
H.F. Walker, C.S. Woodward, U.M. Yang

A Well-balanced Spectral Volume Model for Constituents Transport in One-dimensional Flows
L. Cozzolino, R. Della Morte, C. Covelli, D. Pianese

CO2 Sequestration IV
Special Session organized by Ruben Juanes
Room: Teleensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

Modelling and data requirements for the design of carbon dioxide injection
B. Bijeljic, M.J. Blunt

Reducing Risk in CO2 Sequestration: A Framework for Integrated Monitoring of Basin Scale Injection
C.J. Seto, S. Ravela, G.J. McRae

Highly Efficient Tool for Probabilistic Risk Assessment of CCS joint with Injection Design
S. Oladyshkin, H. Class, R. Helmig, W. Nowak

Modeling of Multi-phase Transport and Deformation Processes in Saline Aquifers during CO2 Sequestration
U.J. Goerke, C.H. Park, J. Taron, W. Wang, O. Kolditz

Caprock hydromechanical changes during CO2 sequestration in deep saline aquifers
V. Vilarrasa, S. Olivella, J. Carrera

Climate Change and Water Resources
Special Session organized by Hoshin Vijai Gupta
Room: Sala de Actos
Chair: to be confirmed

Integration of hydrogeological attributes, and GIS spatial modeling techniques in determining priority areas for sustainable development of East Uweinat area, Western desert, Egypt
H. H Elewa, R.G: Fathy, A.A. Qaddah

Climate Change Impact over the Hydraulic Resources of the Papagayo River Basin in México
G. Cardoso-Landa, R. Adame-Porras, J. Rodríguez-García

Influence of Spatial Resolution on the Distributed Surface Routing Response of the Des Anglais River Basin (Canada)
M. Sulis, C. Paniconi, M. Camporese

Climate Change Impacts on the Water Resources and Hydrological Extremes in Northern France
A. Ducharne, F. Habets, C. Pagé, E. Sauquet, P. Viennot, M. Déqué, E. Martin, L. Oudin, L. Terray, D. Thiéry

Comparison of statistical downscaling procedures for assessing climate change impacts on water resources at catchment scale
H. Madsen, K. Yamagata, M.A. Sunyer, T.V. Jacobsen

Root-Soil Interactions I
Special Session organized by Sascha Oswald and Sabine Attinger
Room: Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Influence of non-Gaussian soil structure and root uptake strategies on flow in the unsaturated zone
A. Kuhlmann, I. Neuweiler, J. Li, S. van der Zee, R. Helmig

Below ground biomass patterns of competing species in arid lands.
N. Ursino

Characterization of root growth dynamics in the initial phase of soil development – linking 3D sampling and minirhizotron observations
K. Boldt, S. Fritsch, B.U. Schneider, R.F. Hüttl

Comparing four different modeling approaches for predicting root water uptake
M. Javaux, P. de Willigen, J. van Dam, M. Heinen

13:00 - 14:30
Lunch Break

14:30 - 15:30
Plenary Lecture V
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Toward X-Ray Vision: geophysical Signatures of Complex Subsurface Processes
S. Hubbard

15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break

16:00 - 18:00
Interdisciplinary session TuE01
Room: Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Evaluating a runoff harvesting technique using a 3D coupled surface-subsurface hydrological model
K. Verbist, W.M. Cornelis, R. McLaren, D. Gabriels

Longitudinal Dispersion under Wind-generated Waves
M. Djebbi, M. Moussa

On the use of random-walk based training algorithms for neural networks applied in environmental modeling
I.C. Trichakis, I.K. Nikolos, G.P. Karatzas

Optimal Geographical Well Positioning in Agricultural Polluted Areas
M.P. Papadopoulou, I.K. Nikolos, G.P. Karatzas

Employing evolutionary algorithms for optimizing free phase LNAPL recovery
Z. Dokou, G.P. Karatzas

Hydrogeophysics:Toward Improved Subsurface Flow and Transport Prediction and Systems Understanding
Special Session organized by Susan Hubbard and Sébastien Lambot
Room: Sala de Actos
Chair: to be confirmed

Near-surface Electrostratigraphy as a Tool to Detect the Connectivity of the Sedimentary bodies
M. Mele, R. Bersezio, M. Giudici

Constraints on the Permeability Structure of Alluvial Aquifers Based on the Poro-Elastic Inversion of Multi-Frequency P-Wave Sonic Logs
K. Holliger, L. Baron

Novel approaches in modeling surface NMR signals for hydrogeophysical applications
M. Hertrich, J. Lehmann-Horn, J. Walbrecker, H. Schulz

Geophysical Inversion through Hierarchical Global-Direct Scheme
A. Furman, J.A. Huisman

Sequential Monte Carlo Using Differential Evolution Particle Filtering
J.A. Vrugt

Root-Soil Interactions II
Special Session organized by Sascha Oswald and Sabine Attinger
Room: Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Comparing effective and detailed modeling approaches for predicting root water uptake at the field scale
V. Couvreur, M. Javaux

Root Water Uptake Modeling
J.W. Hopmans, P. Hartsough, J.A. Vrugt, J Simunek, P. Nasta

Modeling heterogeneities in root water extraction.
Q. de Jong van Lier, K. Metselaar, A. Durigon

Computational efficient modelling of soil-coupled 3D root water uptake for multiple-root-systems.
T. Kalbacher, C.L. Schneider, A. Hildebrandt, S. Attinger, O. Kolditz

Stochastic hydrology I
Special Session organized by Alberto Guadagnini and Alberto Montanari
Room: Teleensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

Upscaling Permeability and Characterizing Flow Channeling in Complex Media
J.-R de Dreuzy, G. Pichot, R. Le Goc, P. de Boiry, P. Davy

Effective solute transport with linear sorption in lattice fracture networks
P. Kang, M. Dentz, R. Juanes

Modeling and Upscaling Unsaturated Flow through Randomly Heterogeneous Soils
V.S. Soraganvi, R. Ababou, M.S. Mohan Kumar

Computationally Efficient inversion of steady-state stochastic moment equations of groundwater flow
F. de Gaspari, M. Riva, A. Alcolea, A. Guadagnini

Growth of mixing length for the tracer flow problem in a long-correlated permeability field using the Karhunen-Loève decomposition approach
M. Borges

The Blocking Moving Window algorithm. Conditioning multiple point simulations to connectivity and head data.
A. Alcolea, P. Renard

18:00 - 19:00
Poster Session II
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: to be confirmed

Verifying Conceptual Flow Models in a River-connected Alluvial Aquifer for Management Purposes using Numerical Modeling
A. Folch, L. Casadellà, O. Astui, A. Menció, J. Massana, G. Vidal-Gavilan, A. Pérez-Paricio, J. Mas-Pla

Improvement of the interactions between the unsaturated and the saturated zones: impact on pollutant transfer
E. Philippe, F. Habets, E. Ledoux, P. Goblet, P. Viennot, B. Mary

Method of Least Squares for Computing Normals and Curvatures from 2d Volume Fractions
P.A. Ferdowsi, M. Bussmann

Numerical Approximation of Two-Phase Compressible Flow in Porous Media by the Weighted Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin Method
Z. Tutek

Towards long-term simulations of tidal inlets: Performance analysis and application of a partially parallelized morphodynamic modeling system
N. Bruneau, A.B. Fortunato, A. Oliveira, X. Bertin, M. Costa, G. Daudet

Non-Darcy flow: Influence of inertial contributions to flow in porous media
B.D. Wood, M.L. Porter

The Numerical Investigation of Free Falling Jet’s Effect on the Scour of Plunge Pool
Sh. Amiraslani, J. Fahimi, H. Mehdinezhad

Variational Multiscale Methods for Nonlinear Problems
J.O. Skogestad, J.M. Nordbotten

A Lagrangian approach to solve Multicomponent reactive transport in complex geological environments
P. Trinchero, J. Molinero Huguet, J. Salas Navarro, A. Piqué

Macroscopic reactive transport from pore-scale simulation
B. Bijeljic, M. J Blunt

Modelling of Capillary Sealing Fractures during CO2 Injection by Non-matching Multi-block Grids
A. Sbai

Regional Parametrization on Simulation Stochastic Models on High Resolution Temporal Rainfall: case study Bogotà (Colombia)
H. Rico, A. Santos, E. Herrera, N. Obregón

Spreading of Multiphase Flows in Heterogeneous Porous Media under the Influence of Buoyancy
D. Bolster, I . Neuweiler, M. Dentz, J. Carrera

Influence of Fracture-Network Structures on Radionuclide Behavior in Fractured Porous Media
D. Roubinet, J.R. de Dreuzy, H.H. Liu

Vertical Average for Modeling Seawater intrusion
M. Pool, J. Carrera, J.J. Hidalgo, M. Dentz, E. Abarca

Water Efficiency through Numerical and Economic Assessment of Rehabilitation Planning for Water Network in Developing Countries
B. Obaid, R. Wilken

Wednesday, June 23th

08:30 - 09:30
Plenary Lecture VI
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Advanced Discretization Methods for High-Fidelity Computation
A. Huerta

09:45 - 11:00
Advanced Numerical Methods V
Special Session organized by Philippe Ackerer
Room: Master
Chair: to be confirmed

The Future of Analytical Solution Methods for Groundwater Flow and Transport Simulation
J.R. Craig, W.W. Read

Evaluation of the accuracy of a hybrid streamline – SPH method for simulating reactive transport in groundwater
P.A. Herrera, R. Beckie

Development of Preliminary Assessment Tools to Evaluate Debris flow Hazard
F. Bregoli, F. Ciervo, V. Medina Iglésias, A. Bateman Pinzón, M. Hürlimann, G. Chevalier, M. Papa

3D Numerical Modelling of Local Scour around the Cylindrical Bridge Piers
A. Azhari, S.F. Saghravani, B.A. Mohammadnezhad

General Session on Surface Water I
Special Session organized by Michele La Rocca
Room: Teleensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

The effect of data density on hydraulic conveyance calculations
J.R. Richardson, E.G. Schmitz

Contribution of 1D river flow modeling to the quantification of stream-aquifer interactions in a regional hydrological model
F. Saleh, N. Flipo, F. Habets, A. Ducharne, L. Oudin, M. Poulin, P. Viennot, E. Ledoux

Representation of Dam-breach Geometry on a Regular 2-D Mesh using Quadtree local Mesh Refinement
M. McGrath, M. Altinakar, E. Miglio

General Session on Groundwater I
Special Session organized by Jesús Carrera and Xavier Sánchez-Vila
Room: Sala de Actos
Chair: to be confirmed

Management Model for Optimal Extraction of Groundwater in Coastal Aquifers
K. Qahman, A. Larabi, D. Ouazar, A. Naji, A.H. Cheng

From parameter Estimation of Stochastic Models to Optimal Monitoring Network-design
G.S. Herrera

Dynamic Coupling of Hydrogeological and Agronomic Models in the Framework of the Eau-dyssée Integrated Model
O. Souhar, F. Habets, N. Flipo, P. Goblet, E. Ledoux, P. Viennot, D. Ripoche, M. Launay, P. Bernard

Stochastic hydrology II
Special Session organized by Alberto Guadagnini and Alberto Montanari
Room: Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Conditional Stochastic Delineation of Transport Connectivity integrating data obtained at different test-scales and belonging to different sampled areas
P. Trinchero, D. Fernàndez Garcia, X. Sanchez-Vila

Nonlinear Expression for Solute Dispersive Flux in Porous Media
E. Morales-Casique, S. M Hassanizadeh, M. Sedghi-Asl

A Conditional Probability Model for Groundwater Risk Assessment
G.S. Nearing, D.M. Tartakovsky, C.L. Winter

11:00 - 11:30
Coffe Break

11:30 - 13:00
Multiphase Flow and Transport Modeling on Different Scales I
Special Session organized by Ranier Helmig
Room: Sala de Actos
Chair: to be confirmed

Fluid-fluid interfacial area under non-equilibrium conditions
V. Joekar-Niasar, S.M. Hassanizadeh

Sensitivity to anisotropy in non-Darcy flow model from porescale through mesoscale
M. Peszynska, A. Trykozko, K. Kennedy

A Multi-scale Approach to Model Two-phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media
C. Tsakiroglou

Pattern Formation in Multiphase Flow through Porous Media: continuum Models and Phase Diagrams
L. Cueto-Felgueroso, R. Juanes

Numerical flow simulator for three-phase compressible flow in porous media based on a Total Differential Compatible condition
R. di Chiara Roupert, G. Schäfer, M. Quintard, G. Chavent, P. Ackerer, J-M. Côme

Fate and Transport of Radionuclides in the Environment: Unique Simulation Challenges
Special Session organized by Jaime Gómez-Hernández
Room: Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Upscaling of advective transport in a fractured clay-rich sedimentary formation
M. Willmann, W. Kinzelbach, F. Stauffer

Simulating the Potential for Radionuclide Transport from a Proposed Deep Geologic Repository in Canada for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste
J.F. Sykes, S.D. Normani, Y. Yin

On the numerical representation of fractures and deformation zones
U Svensson

An Integrated Simulation Model for the Performance Assessment of a Radioactive Waste Repository
F. Cadini, D. Avram, A. Cherubini, J. De Sanctis, E. Zio, A. Guadagnini, M. Riva, A. Luce, A. Taglioni

General Session on Surface Water II
Special Session organized by Michele La Rocca
Room: Teleensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

Experimental and numerical simulation of gravity currents on sloping beds
V. Lombardi, G. Sciortino, C. Adduce, M. La Rocca

A perturbative method for double-layer shallow water equations
M. La Rocca, A. Bateman Pinzón

Estimation of Runoff for REDHILLS watershed using SCS curve number and Geographic Information System
G.B. Geena , P.N. Ballukraya

Model Predictions and Uncertainty Analysis I
Special Session organized by Jean Raynald de Dreuzy
Room: Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Probabilistic Predictions of Infiltration rate into Heterogeneous Soils with Uncertain Hydraulic Parameters
P. Wang, D. Tartakovsky

Probabilistic collocation for efficient uncertanty analysis in groundwater flow.
V. Fontaine, M. Mamode, T. Mara

Representation of multiple hydrostratigraphic regions for groundwater management problems subject to uncertainty in the hydraulic conductivity
K. Ricciardi

Inverse Modelling of Hydraulic Conductivity Distribution by Assimilation of Return Flow Data
R. Bailey, D. A Baù

Reducing modeling uncertainty in natural aquifers: the experimental site of Settolo (Italy).
M. Camporese, L. Da Deppo, P. Salandin, P. Pizzaia

13:00 - 14:30
Lunch Break

14:30 - 15:30
Plenary Lecture VII
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Using Multiple Alternative Models and Local Sensitivity Analysis to Evaluate and Understand Uncertainty
L. Foglia, M. Hill, S. Mehl, P. Burlando

15:30 - 16:00
Coffe Break

16:00 - 18:00
Modeling of Subsurface Biogeochemical Processes
Special Session organized by Sergi Molins
Room: Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Simulation of enhanced reductive dechlorination remediation of TCE in fractured clay systems: A new model and application to field site
G. Manoli, J. Chambon, C. Christiansen, M. Broholm, P.L. Bjerg, P.J. Binning

Modelling phosphorus exchange at the sediment water interface of a brackish water bay.
M. Thouvenot-Korppoo, T. Karvonen, J. Järvelä

A two Equation Model of Biologically Reactive Solute Transport in Porous Media
L. Orgogozo, F. Golfier, M.A. Buès, M. Quintard

A Channel Network Model as a Framework for Characterizing Variably-saturated Flows in Biofilm-affected Soils: Conceptual model
R. Rosenzweig, A. Furman, U. Shavit

Simulation of Lake’s Sedimentary Phosphorus Balance Governed by Bioirrigation using Reactive Multi-Component Transport Modeling
E. Hamann, J. Greskowiak, A. Roskosch, S. Jordan, M. Hupfer, J. Lewandowski, G. Nützmann

Model Predictions and Uncertainty Analysis II
Special Session organized by Jean Raynald de Dreuzy
Room: Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Uncertainty on Sustainability Assessment in Fractured Aquifers under Pumping Conditions
E. Bresciani, P. Davy, J-R. de Dreuzy

Identifying Contaminant Release Conditions to Reduce Uncertainty in Plume Spreading and Dilution in Heterogeneous Aquifers
F. de Barros, W. Nowak

Decision Support based on Uncertainty Quantification of Model Predictions of Contaminant Transpo
V. Vesselinov, D. Harp

PDF Equations for Reactive Transport in Porous Media
S. Broyda, D.M. Tartakovsky

General Session on Groundwater II
Special Session organized by Jesús Carrera and Xavier Sánchez-Vila
Room: Teleensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

Assessing the Fate of Pesticides in Groundwater by Combining Batch and Soil Column Experiments with Numerical Modeling
Z. Magga, D. Tzovolou, M. Theodoropoulou, K. Pikios, C. Tsakiroglou

Computation of Fluid Configurations and Capillary Pressures in Mixed-Wet 2D Pore Spaces from Rock Images
J.O. Helland, O.I. Frette

Numerical Simulation of Constitutive Relations for Unsaturated Flow in Fractured Porous Media
L. Guarracino, L. Monachesi

Relating Facies Connectivity to Flow and Transport Properties for a Point bar-channel aquifer analogue
D. dell‘Arciprete, F. Baratelli, M. Giudici, C. Vassena, R. Bersezio, F. Felletti

Downscaling: Fine-scale Conductivity Identification by Inverse Modelling
A. Trykozko

Inverse Groundwater Modeling based on B-Spline Parameterization and Model Optimization
G. Kourakos, A. Mantoglou

Multiphase Flow and Transport Modeling on Different Scales II
Special Session organized by Ranier Helmig
Room: Sala de Actos
Chair: to be confirmed

Interpretation of closure variables in upscaling
F.J. Valdes-Parada, M.L. Porter, B.D. Wood

Modeling of infiltration fronts in heterogeneous porous media.
I. Neuweiler, C. Schuetz, A. Papafotiou, K. Mosthaf, P. Vontobel, R. Helmig

Error Estimate and Control in the Multiscale Finite-Volume Method for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
H. Hajibeygi, I. Lunati, S.H. Lee

A Unified Multilevel Framework of Upscaling and Domain Decomposition
A. Sandvin, J.M. Nordbotten, I. Aavatsmark

A Grain Size Distribution based Pore-Throat-Model to Quantify Gravity Dominated DNAPL Instabilities in Water Saturated Porous Media
K. Nsir, S. Gerhard

Upscaling Reservoir Simulation using Multilevel Operator Coarsening.
M. Babaei, P.R. King

18:00 - 19:00
Poster Session III
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: to be confirmed

Modeling the Evolution of Redox State in laboratory Experiments Performed
M. Barbieri, J. Carrera, C. Ayora, M. Saaltink, C. Valhondo, H. Wang, A. Jurado Elices, F. de Gaspari, J. Tobella Brunet, M. Hernández García

Modeling the Infiltration Rate Variations due to Temperature Fluctuations at the Sant Vicenç dels Horts Artificial Recharge Facility
M. Barahona-Palomo, D. Pedretti, X. Sanchez-Vila , D. Fernàndez Garcia, D. Bolster, M. Saaltink, M. Barbieri, J. Tobella Brunet, M. Hernández Garcia

Coupled hydrological models, with emphasis on the estimation of groundwater recharge
G. Sapriza, J. Jodar, J. Carrera

Multiphase flow and reactive transport model under very dry conditions
M. Gran, J. Carrera, S. Olivella, J. Massana, M. Saaltink, C. Ayora, A. Lloret

Two-phase flow from the pore scale to the field scale
A. Pazdniakou, V. Mourzenko, J. Thovert, P. Adler

Behavior of Intermediate Baffle in Sedimentation Basins
H. Asgharzadeh, B. Firoozabadi, H. Afshin

Estimate of information missing in hydrologic time series
E. Herrera, J. Garcia, N. Obregon

Advances in the study of the effects of the evaporation in the drying of the Sabana de Bogotá, Colombia
O. Mora, H. Rico, N. Obregon

Effect of Biofilm Formation on Particle Transport and Deposition in Porous Media
G.E. Kapellos, T.S. Alexiou, S. Pavlou, A.C. Payatakes

Numerical modeling of wave-induced beach watertable fluctuations and bed morphology
R. Bakhtyar, D.A. Barry, A. Brovelli

Fictitious Domain Decomposition Technique for Recovering Missing Boundary Data: Groundwater Flow Equation
A. Ben Abda, J. Erhel, S. Khalfallah

Advanced Application for Water Information System based on GIS in Palestinian Water Authority
B. Obaid, M. Latif

Determination of flow properties of the Saligny aquifer (Romania)
A. Genty, D. Diaconu, A. Constantin, G. Zyvoloski

Sediment Transport through Stormwater Systems - Gaza City as Case Study
B. Obaid

Spatially Adaptive Finite Elements with Temporal Adaption using Local Truncation Error Control for Variably Saturated Flow
G. Yamoah, K. Fowler, O. Eslinger

Thursday, June 24th

08:30 - 09:30
Plenary Lecture VIII
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

On the Importance of Model Consistency Across Scales
W. Gray

09:45 - 11:00
Model Predictions and Uncertainty Analysis III
Special Session organized by Jean Raynald de Dreuzy
Room: Sala de Actos
Chair: to be confirmed

Assessing Slope Influence in ArcSWAT Models of Andean Watersheds
C. Yacoub, A. Pérez-Foguet

Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling With Correlated Possibilistic Data
M. Ozbek, J.L. Ross , G.F Pinder

General Session on Surface Water III
Special Session organized by Michele La Rocca
Room: Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Soil Infiltration Effect in Flat Areas Floods Simulation
A. Bateman Pinzón, V. Medina Iglésias, D. Velasco Montes

A 2D Flood Inundation Model based on an Implicit Parallelizable Scheme
F. Dottori, E. Todini

A 2D flood inundation model based on cellular automata approach.
F. Dottori, E. Todini

Advection-dispersion model for nutrient dynamics in river Swale
E.C. Ani, M.G. Hutchins, P.S. Agachi

Multiphase Flow and Transport Modeling on Different Scales III
Special Session organized by Ranier Helmig
Room: Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Numerical Upscaled Model of Transport with Non-separated Scales
S-Y. Yi, M. Peszynska, R. Showalter

Pore Scale Modeling of Two Phase Flow
V. Shabro, M. Prodanovic, C.H. Arns, S.L. Bryant, C. Torres-Verdin, M.A. Knackstedt

Serial and Parallel Performance Characteristics of the Lattice Boltzmann Method
J.E. McClure, J.F. Prins, C.T. Miller

Non-Isothermal Effects on Multi-Phase Flow in Porous Medium
A.K. Singh, W. Wenging, C.H. Park, W.J. Goreke, O. Kolditz

Numerical Simulation of Coastal Processes
Special Session organized by Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla
Room: Teleensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

Auto-optimization on parallel hydrodynamic codes: an example of COHERENS with OpenMP for multicore
F. López-Castejón, D. Giménez

A 3-Dimensional finite Element Model of the Circulation in the Bay of Biscay Considering Time-Varying Wind fields
V. Herasme, M. Maidana, M. Espino, J. Blasco, M. González

A Hybrid level-set method for free-surface flows
C.E. Kees, M.W. Farthing, I. Akkerman, J. Bazilevs

Homogenization and upscaling of flow through vegetation
C.E. Kees, M.W. Farthing, C. Dawson, S. Mattis

11:00 - 11:30
Coffe Break

11:30 - 13:00
Coupled Hydro-Termo-Mechanico-Chemical Modelling I
Special Session organized by Shaul Sorek
Room: Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Thermo-hydro-Mechanical Modeling of the in-situ FEBEX Experiment for Radioactive Waste Disposa
I. Cañamón Valera, F.J. Elorza, R. Ababou

Compositional formulation for multi phase flow reactive transport in porous media: An approach that simplifies coupling between phenomena.
P. Gamazo, M. Saaltink, J. Carrera

3-D Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Flow-Stress by Mixed Finite Elements
N. Castelletto, M. Ferronato, G. Gambolati

A New Model in θ-STOCK to Simulate THCM Behavior in Oil Transfer within Funicular Zone
T. Tayebi, B. Gatmiri

Optimization Problems in Hydrology I
Special Session organized by Vladam Babovic
Room: Sala de Actos
Chair: to be confirmed

On the Well Test Characterization of Triple Porosity Oil Reservoirs with Global Optimization
S. Gómez

Solution of Inverse Problems in Saturated Groundwater Flow Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD).
O. Eslinger, C. Winton, T. Kelley, S. Howington, J. Pettway, J. Hensley

A truncated Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for the calibration of highly parameterized nonlinear models
S. Finsterle, M. Kowalsky

Analysis of linear and nonlinear methods for investigating inverse modeling results
S. Mehl, L. Foglia, M.C. Hill

On the use of Reciprocity Gap Principle for solving some inverse problems in hydrogeology
N. Hariga-Tlatli, R. Bouhlila, A. Ben Abda

Numerical Methods for Fluid Mechanics I
Special Session organized by Simona Perotto
Room: Teleensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

Numerical methods for weakly nonlinear stability analysis of shallow water flows
M.S. Ghidaoui, A.A. Kolyshkin

Linear and nonlinear preconditioning for reactive transport
M. Kern, A. Taakili

Resolved les solutions for local scour modelling
F. Ballio, F. Bressan, V. Armenio

Simulation of Soliton-like Waves Generated by Topography with Conservative Fully Discrete Shallow-Water Schemes
Yu.N Skiba, D.M. Filatov

XFEM Modeling of the Expansion of a Ground Hollow Created by a Water lLeak
P. Díez, R. Cottereau

General Session on Groundwater III
Special Session organized by Jesús Carrera and Xavier Sánchez-Vila
Room: Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Sensitivity Analysis on an Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for Hydraulic Head Interpolation: Orgeval Experimental Site/ France
B. Kurtulus, N. Flipo, P. Goblet

An XML based Problem Solving Environment for Hydrological Problems
L.J. Slooten, F. Batlle, J. Carrera

Stochastic Simulation of Venice land uplift by Seawater Injection in Deep Heterogeneous Aquifers
P. Teatini, M. Ferronato, G. Gambolati, D.A. Bau‘, M. Putti

Characterization of the Boundary Conditions in an Aquifer Model: a boundary data Completion Method
X. Escriva, T.N. Baranger, N. Hariga-Tlatli

13:00 - 14:30
Lunch Break

14:30 - 15:30
Plenary Lecture IX
Room: Auditorium
Chair: to be confirmed

Parameter Estimation using Zonation Indicators
P. Ackerer

15:30 - 16:00
Coffe Break

16:00 - 18:00
Coupled Hydro-Termo-Mechanico-Chemical Modelling II
Special Session organized by Shaul Sorek
Room: Master
Chair: to be confirmed

Modeling Thermal Remediation of Mixtures of Volatile and Nonvolatile Organic Compounds
B. Sleep

Paleoclimate Analyses of Density-dependent Groundwater Flow with Pseudo-permafrost in Discretely Fractured Crystalline Rock Settings
S.D. Normani, J.F. Sykes

Modelling Groundwater Pumping and Coupled Heat Transport in a Alluvial Aquifer: tests using Different Codes and Optimization
F. Fossoul, P. Orban, A. Dassargues

Optimization Problems in Hydrology II
Special Session organized by Vladam Babovic
Room: Sala de Actos
Chair: to be confirmed

A Novel Genetic Programming Heuristic Supported on Genetic Algorithms and Average Mutual Information as Fitness Evaluation Metric – some applications from Hydraulics –
J. Moreno, E. Cárdenas, N. Obregón

Mathematical Modelling and Design Experiments in Bioventing Subsoil Decontamination
F. Notarnicola

A Simulation/Optimization Approach to Manage Groundwater Resources in the Gaza Aquifer (Palestine)
S. Alnahhal, S. Afifi, K. Qahman, M. Dentoni, G. Lecca

Determining Pumping Schemes and Quantifying the Impact of Computational Resolution Using a Mixed-Integer Hybrid Optimization Technique
G. Gray, K. Fowler, M. W Farthing

Multicriteria Genetic Algorithm for Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Decision
A. Udias, L. Galbiati, F.J. Elorza, R. Efremov, J. Pons, A. Gomez de Cadiz, L. Alegre, M. Arrosa, G. Borras

General Session on Groundwater IV
Special Session organized by Jesús Carrera and Xavier Sánchez-Vila
Room: Multimedia
Chair: to be confirmed

Estimation of the River Conductance Coefficient using Streambed Slope for Modeling of Regional River-aquifer Interaction
A. Pérez-Paricio, J.E. Hunink, E. Kupper, J. Raso Quintana

Assessing the Contribution of the Main Aquifer Units of the Loire Basin to River Discharge during Low Flow
C. Monteil, N. Flipo, M. Poulin, F. Habets, M. Krimissa, E. Ledoux

Numerical Modelling as a Predictive Tool to Groundwater Management even with Limited Data (Girona, Spain)
D. Comino, A. Nogués, A. Pérez-Paricio

Optimal Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity and Boundary Condition under Steady-State Simulation
H. Hashemi, M. Kompani-Zare, R. Berndtsson

Development of Groundwater Model for the Arid and Semiarid Area: The Wadi Kafrein Catchment/Jordan
Y. Wu, W. Wang, M. Toll, W. Alkhoury, M. Sauter, O. Kolditz

An Iterative Series Solution Approach for Solving the Free-boundary Condition in Groundwater Flow Systems
S. Wong, J.R. Craig, W.W. Read

Numerical Methods for Fluid Mechanics II
Special Session organized by Simona Perotto
Room: Teleensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed

A Control Volume Mixed Finite Element Formulation for Triangular Elements
R.L. Naff

ALADINS: an ALgebraic ADaptive Incompressible Navier-Stokes solver
A. Veneziani, U. Villa

Stabilized Finite Element for high Reynolds number, LES and free surface flow problems
T. Coupez, G. Francois, E. Hachem

Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation and Error Control with Application to CFD problems
S. Perotto, S. Micheletti

High-order Discontinuous Galerkin for unsteady problems in highly absorvent media.
E. Casoni, A. Pérez-Foguet, A. Huerta