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21/6/2010    18:00 - 19:00
Poster Session I
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: to be confirmed

Streamline-Based Simulations of Vertically Averaged CO2 Migration
P.A. Herrera, H.K. Dahle, J.M. Nordbotten
CO2 Sequestration

Modelling a hydraulic jump with a two dimensional flow model; a comparison with a physical model
E. Martínez
Advanced Numerical Methods

Sediment Resuspension Associated to Density Currents. Application to Flix Reservoir (Spain)
A. Herrero Casas, V. Medina Iglésias, A. Bateman Pinzón
Advanced Numerical Methods

Time Space Domain Decomposition and Reactive Transport in Porous Media
F. Haeberlein, A. Michel
CO2 Sequestration

Accuracy Control and Performance Enhancement of Linear Solvers for the Integrated Water Flow Model
M.F. Dixon, Z. Bai, C.F. Brush, F.I. Chung, E.C. Dogrul, T.N. Kadir
Advanced Numerical Methods

Boundary Data Completion as a Tool for Leaks Detection
A. Ben Abda, I. Ben Saad, M. Hassine
Advanced Numerical Methods

Finite volume scheme preserving local-maximum principles for radionuclide transport calculations
A. Genty, C. Le Potier
Advanced Numerical Methods

Centrifugation Scenarios for Determination of Soil Parameters
J. Kacur, B. Malengier, H. Budacova
Advanced Numerical Methods

Numerical Study of the Combined Influence of Water Ponding and Water Exchange between Surface Water and Groundwater on the Time Dependent Water Content of the Vadose Zone of the Alluvial Aquifer at the Erstein Polder Site
S. Ounaies, G. Schäfer, M. Trémoličres, S. Defraeye
Interactions between Surface, Vadose Zone and Groundwater

Quantifying and Reducing Hydrogeologic Uncertainty in a Fully-Coupled Land-Atmosphere Model
J. Williams, R. M Maxwell
Interactions between Surface, Vadose Zone and Groundwater

Partially Saturated Oscillatory Flow in Sandy Beach (Numerical Modeling)
K. Alastal, R. Ababou, D. Astruc
Interactions between Surface, Vadose Zone and Groundwater

Elaboration of a Model of Flow and Transport to Quantify Balances and to Annotate the Agricultural Extractions in the Camp of Tarragona
B. Torras, A. Pérez-Paricio, S. Jiménez, E. Ruiz, S. Jordana
General Session on Groundwater

Hybrid Pore-Scale Simulations of Calcite Precipitation in a CO2 Rich Environment
A.M. Tartakovsky, S. Kerisit
Microscale Reactive Transport Modeling

Numerical Investigation of Long-Term Geochemical Changes within a Reservoir and the Cap Rock during CO2 Storage.
B. Graupner, D. Li, S. Bauer
CO2 Sequestration

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