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In the upcoming decade the integration of Advanced Multidisciplinary Simulation (MS), Optimization (MO) and Big Data Analysis (MBDA) tools will have a major impact on systemic procedures in both industrial and societal environments linked to Smart, Green and Integrated Transport Challenges including the infrastructure and the services, with an impact to the Society needs priorities.

Multidisciplinary Scientific Computing is now one of the powerful design technologies used in industry. This trend has been enhanced by the ever increasing capabilities of computational technology, storing of information and the decreasing cost of computer hardware. Analysis of Multidisciplinary Big Data is also becoming extremely important in process control, intelligent systems for surveillance and safety procedures.

Opportunities offered by Multi Physics, Multi Scales and Multi Big Data (CM3) methods span the industrial spectrum, including greener technologies for Aerospace, Automotive, Logistics, Marine and Maritime, Rail, among other sectors. In all these multidisciplinary areas industrial designers are faced with greener Transport challenges with their key objectives targeted in the ambitious Horizon 2020 program: sustainable Transport; seamless Transport and competitive Transport.

Digital technologies have the capability to change the framework where operators, service providers and users are used to move. Focusing on urban mobility, new services, but also new means of transport are already present in the daily live.

To answer these green challenges and their innovative solutions the new ECCOMAS Industrial Interest Group (IIG) is organizing in Barcelona the third of an ECCOMAS Thematic Conference series focused on the Transport Challenges named CM3. Under the format of invited Workshop, CM3 will join experts in the field to present and discuss the situation of digital technologies in transport. The format of the event is composed by a series of invited talks and roundtables.

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Barcelona, Spain
CM3@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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