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MS & Conference Topics

  • MS01 - AI powered numerical methods
    Organized by Pekka Neittaanmäki, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

  • MS02 - Recent trends in the development of machine learning models on Finnish health data
    Organized by Sami Äyrämö, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

  • MS03 - Explainable AI
    Adil Rasheed, NTNU
    Anastasios Lekkas

  • MS04 - Mathematics of AI
    Organized by Mats G. Larson, University of UMEÅ

  • MS05 - Hybrid Analysis and Modelling
    Organized by Adil Rasheed (NTNU) and Omar San, Oklahoma State University

  • MS06 - Reduced Order Modelling
    Organized by Trond Kvamsdal, NTNU

  • MS07 - Digital Twin
    Organized by Trond Kvamsdal (NTNU), Kjetil Johannessen, SINTEF Digital

Papers are welcomed in one of the following topics, listed in alphabetic order (the list is not exhaustive):

  • CT01 - AI tools, Machine learning and Deep learning, Human-machine interaction

  • CT02 - Applications to societal issues

  • CT03 - Big Data predictive analysis

  • CT04 - Computational applied mathematics

  • CT05 - Computational intelligence, Intelligent information processing

  • CT06 - Emerging Technologies

  • CT07 - Innovations in AI and Computational Sciences, Industrial application cases (e.g. transport, medicine, finance, police investigation...)

  • CT08 - Optimization issues

  • CT09 - Problem-solving algorithms

  • CT10 - Use of algorithms with big data and AI

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Barcelona, Spain
CSAI2021@cimne.upc.edu / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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