Drying and Stability of a Granular Slope: Experimental and Numerical DEM Analysis
F. Gabrieli, S. Cola and F. Calvetti
Analysis of Stability of Earth Dams in Overtopping Scenarios with the Particle Finite Element Method
A. Larese, R. Rossi and E. Oņate
Assessment of Some Homogenization Techniques for Modeling the Mechanical Behavior of Granular Media using DEM
J.E. Alves, J.R. Gonzalez, C.E. Silva and N.O. Guevara
Modelling and Simulation of Excavation Problems with the Particle Finite Element Method
J.M. Carbonell, E. Oņate and B. Suárez
Application of the Discrete Element Method to Investigate Optimal Particle Size Distribution for Ultra-Compact Soils
E.S. Berney IV, H.P. Bell, J.F. Peters and J.R. Griffin
Simulation of Cavity Expansion on Granular Material using DEM
Y. Geng, H-S. Yu and G.R. McDowell