5/10/2011 14:00 - 16:00
Room: 3 - Teleensenyament
Chair: to be confirmed
Geometry and Stiffness in the Case of Arch Supported Tensile Roofs with Block and Tackle Suspension
K. Hincz
Lightweight and Transparent Covers
I. Salvador Pinto and B. Morris
(Un)folding the Membrane in the Deployable Demonstrator of Contex-T
M. Mollaert, L. De Laet, J. Roekens and N. De Temmerman
Database Interactive and Analysis of the Pneumatic Envelope Systems, through the Study of their Main Qualitative Parameters
A. Gómez-González, J. Neila González and J. Monjo Carrió
A Very Large Deployable Space Antenna Structure Based on Pantograph Tensioned Membranes
T. Kuhn, H. Langer, S. Apenberg, B. Wei and L. Datashvili