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Number of visits: 161759

Monday, September 17th

08:00 - 09:00

09:00 - 10:45
Opening Ceremony and Plenary Lectures I
Room: Master Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Double Curvature: a Key Matter
R. Motro, B. Dresp-Langley, C. Silvestri

The Basic Physical Principles of Tensairity® and Application to Extremely Large Span Structures
M. Pedretti, A. Pedretti, P. Steingruber, M. Quattri

10:45 - 11:15
Coffee Break

11:15 - 13:15
IS-Fluid-Structure Interaction
Invited Session organized by Kai-Uwe Bletzinger, Alexander Kupzok, Roland Wüchner
Room: Master Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Developing a Framework for the Simulation of Flow-Membrane Interactions
A. Kupzok, R. Wüchner, K-U. Bletzinger

A Monolitic FE Formulation for the Analysis of Membranes in Fluids
P. Ryzhakov, R. Rossi, E. Oñate

Monolithic Solution to Flow-Induced Vibrations of Thin-Walled Structures
A. Zilian

On the Application of the Fluid Structure Interaction Simulation for the Design of Umbrella Structures
A. Michalski, E. Haug, K.-U Bletzinger

Windload for Membranes – From Synthetic Wind to Fluid-Structure-Interaction
S. Maly, J. Bellmann, C. Katz

Efficient Fluid-Structure Algorithms for Large Added-Mass Effect Problems
S. Badia

IS-Formfinding and Conceptual Design
Invited Session organized by René Motro
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Formfinder Professional: Advanced Typology Classification
R. Wehdorn-Roithmayr, P. Jurewicz

Intuitive Design Software for the Conceptual Design of Tensile Structures
Erik Moncrieff

Shape Finding of a Membrane and Composite Profiles System in Tensegrity State
B. Maurin, R. Motro, A. Schacher, V. Raducanu

Prestressed Inflated Arches with Anticlastic Diaphragm
N. Pauli , J. Bovis

Tension, Air and Integrity
R.H. Luchsinger, R. Crettol, J.N. Farahani, T.S. Plagianakos

Dynamic Analysis of Inflatable Beams
Z. Jiang, J.-C Thomas, C. Wielgosz

13:15 - 14:30
Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:30
Numerical Methods for Structural Analysis I MoA01O
Room: Master Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Dynamic Analysis of Prestressed Saint-Venant Kirchhoff Hyperelastic Membranes
A.J. Gil, J. Bonet

Tearing and Rupture of Fabric Reinforced Membranes - a discrete Modelling Approach
D. Ballhause, B.H. Kröplin

An Introduction to Plasticity Analogy for Wrinkled Membranes
A. Jarasjarungkiat, R. Wüchner, K.-U Bletzinger

Advances on the New Rotation-Free Finite Element Shell Triangle Using Accurate Geometrical Data
P.A. Ubach, E. Oñate

Design and Construction Methods MoA02O
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: to be confirmed
A Second Skin Facade of PTFE Coated Mesh Weave
R. Houtman

Deployable Structure of Prebending of Flat Grid Shell
N. Rodríguez

Portable Buildings Design
A. Marroquin

Tubular inflatable structures: Design, test and building
R. Sastre

An Inflatable Temporary Pedestrian Bridge
M. Peroni

16:30 - 17:00
Coffee Break

17:00 - 19:00
IS-Rigidifiable materials for deployable membranes
Invited Session organized by Marco C Bernasconi, Brigitte Defoort
Room: Master Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Radiation Curable Composites for In-Orbit Rigidization of Inflatable Satellite Appendages: Material Selection and Kinetic Modelling of Curing
M. Mille, X. Coqueret, B. Deefoort, R. Mahias, S. Langlois

Development and Testing of Rigidifiable Composites for Structural Applications in Space
B. Defoort , M. Mille, X. Coqueret , M.C Bernasconi , V. Calard, S. Langlois

Alternative Rigidisation Methods for Inflatable Membranes for Space Solar Arrays
N. Markaide, J. Marcos, O. Zubillaga

Aluminium Laminate Boom: a Rigidizable Technology for Gossamer Structures
O. Le Couls , B. Santarre , C. Dupuy

Silicates as Versatile Structural Materials
M.C Bernasconi

19:00 - 20:00
Welcome Reception

Tuesday, September 18th

09:00 - 10:45
Plenary Lectures II
Room: Master Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Inflatable Membrane Structures in Architecture and Aerospace: Some Recent Projects
D. Wakefield

New Material Developments with Textiles
T. Stegmaier, H. Planck

10:45 - 11:15
Coffee Break

11:15 - 13:15
IS-Formfinding and Optimization
Invited Session organized by Kai-Uwe Bletzinger, Johannes Linhard, Roland Wüchner
Room: Master Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Industrial Design and Analysis of Structural Membranes
E. Haug, P. De Kermel, A. Michalski

Experiences on Teaching "Analytical Formfinding of Lightweight Tension Structures"
K.W. Linkwitz

Integration of "as built" Survey Information into the Formfinding and Analysis Process of "Form-Active" Structures - Redesign of Tensile Structures
L. Gruendig, D. Ströbel, P. Singer

Effect of Structural Form on Structural Behaviour
S.M Sheikh, W.J Lewis

Surface Accuracy Analysis of Torus-Supported Inflatable Reflector Antennas
G. Tibert, E. Hedlund

Force Density over Nurbs Method
G. D‘Anza

Optimized Cutting Pattern Generation through Inverse Engineering
J. Linhard, K.-U Bletzinger

IS-Detailing - Case Studies - Installation Process
Invited Session organized by Josep LLORENS
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: to be confirmed
ETFE-Cushion Roof for the Islazul Shopping Centre, Madrid
F. Reitsma, R. Houtman

Designing Tensile Structures Using Generic CAD Applications
J. Sanchez, M.A. Serna

Details are not an addition. Case study
J. Llorens

13:15 - 14:30
Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:30
Numerical Methods for Structural Analysis II TuA01O
Room: Master Room
Chair: to be confirmed
On the Influence of a Volume Dependent Pressure Support on the Stability of Thin-Walled Inflatable Structures
M. Hassler, K. Schweizerhof

Shape Optimization Method for Membrane Wrinkle Reduction Based on the Tension Field Theory
T. Akita, D. Hirajo, N. Kogiso

Deflection Analysis of Inflatable Tubes using Natural Element Method
N. Dialami, F. Daneshmand

Mechanically Prestressed Membrane Modules
G. Grunwald

IS-Vacuum Supported Membrane Structures
Invited Session organized by Arno Pronk, Rogier Houtman, Andrew Borgart
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Vacuum-Stabilized, Translucent Façade Systems
T. Schmidt, W. Sobek, W. Haase

Deflateable Structures Transferred into Façade Constructions
M. Bilow, T. Klein, U. Knaack

Mechanical Behavior of Vacuum (Deflated) Supported Membrane Structures
A. Borgart

Vacuumatic Prestressed Flexible Architectural Structures
F. Huijben, F. van Herwijnen, G. Lindner

Heat-Transmitting Membranes Vol.1
A. Pronk, T. de Haas, M. Cox

Heat-Transmitting Membranes Vol. 2
A. Pronk, T. de Haas, M. Cox

16:30 - 17:00
Coffee Break

17:00 - 19:00
Numerical Methods for Structural Analysis III TuE01O
Room: Master Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Membrane Structures formed by Low Pressure Inflatable Tubes. New Analysis Methods and Recent Constructions
E. Oñate, J. Marcipar

A Simple Procedure for the Analysis of Hyperelastic Membrane Structures
V. Arcaro

Finite Uniform Bending of Pressurised Tubes
M.M. Abdalla, R.WC van Steen, JMAM Hol

Mechanical Behavior of Multi Layered Air Inflated Cushions
A. Borgart

Computer Modeling of Local Effects in Tension Systems
M. Stanuszek

New Design Methods and Applications I TuE02O
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: to be confirmed
New Developments for Cutting Pattern of Membranes
D. Ströbel, P. Singer

Sinclastic and Anticlastic: Win-Win Interaction Pressurized and Tensioned Membranes
V. Stavrev, R. Tomassian

Aeronautical Applications of Adaptive Inflatable Structures
C. Graczykowski, J. Holnicki-Szulc

Analysis of the Adaptability of Air-Inflated Components
L. De Laet, M. Mollaert, N. De Temmerman, T. Van Mele

Pressurized Membrane Structures in Space: Examples and Special Design Considerations
L. Bell

Fundamental Characteristics of Multi-Cellular Inflatable Space Structures
K. Ishimura, K. Higuchi

21:00 - 23:00
Conference Banquet Dinner

Wednesday, September 19th

09:00 - 10:45
Plenary Lectures III
Room: Master Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Basics in Inflated Cushions
R. Wagner

Modern Methodologies and Computational Framework for the Simulation of Membrane Structures
K.-U Bletzinger , R. Wüchner , J. Linhard , A. Kupzok

10:45 - 11:15
Coffee Break

11:15 - 13:15
IS-Inflatable Shelters & Habitats
Invited Session organized by Marco C Bernasconi
Room: Master Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Air-Supported Membrane Structure Applications for Large-Scale Disaster Response Shelters
L. Bell

Inflatable Technologies - from Dream to Reality
B. Sommer, S. Häuplik, M. Aguzzi

Shelter, House, Image, Building
M. Versteeg

Geometric Analysis for Inflatable Space Habitats
A. Lennon, M. de Jong

IS-Lightweight Structures for Disaster Relief
Invited Session organized by Erik Moncrieff
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Adaptive Structural Behaviour of a Construction System for Shelter Interventions after Natural or Conflict-Based Disasters
C. Henrotay, M. Mollaert, W. Debacker, A. Paduart , H. Hendrickx , N. De Temmerman

Lightweight Structures as Infrastructural Nodes in Public Places
GJ. Bakallbashi

The TensiNet Initiative for Appropriate R&D of Innovative Lightweight Structure Technologies for Disaster Relief
Erik Moncrieff

Flat to Form: Rapidly Deployable Disaster Relief
W. Brown

13:15 - 14:30
Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:00
New Membrane Materials and Applications WeA01O
Room: Master Room
Chair: to be confirmed
A New Material Law of Orthotropic Membranes
M. Karwath, R. Wagner, B.H. Kröplin

Programmable Smart Materials - Performance Materials for intelligent Building Skins
C. Daniels, H. DeSmidt, E. Stach

Bursting Tests of ETFE-foils
L. Schiemann, R. Barthel, S. Hinz, M. Stephani

ETFE-Foil: A New Material for Textile Architecture
W. Rudorf-Witrin

Textile Architecture?
J. Gómez De Cózar

New Design Methods and Applications II WeA02O
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Oil Barirrer Based on Net Structures
K.M. Heinlein, F. Weininger, R. Wagner

Engineering with ETFEFoils - Report of Practice
F. Weinigner

Researching of Cable Dome Systems
A. Chesnokov, V. Mihailov, E. Horoshilov

Multi-objective Optimization of Membrane Structures Using Genetic Algorithm
Y. Wu, B.B. San, S.Z. Shen

Static Analysis of Inflatable Flat Panels using Natural Neighbor Galerkin Method
N. Dialami, F. Daneshmand

An Airship Hall as a Pneumatic Structure
B. Trost

16:00 - 16:30
Coffee Break

16:30 - 17:50
Plenary Lectures IV
Room: Master Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Inflatable Structures Formed by Low Pressure Tubes. Some Practical Problems and Solutions
J. Marcipar, G. Raiden, X. Ariño

Membrane Textile and Inflatable Structure for Ground and Aerospace Applications. Some Recent Trends
B. Kröplin

18:00 - 19:00
Farewell Cocktail