18/9/2007 14:30 - 16:30
IS-Vacuum Supported Membrane Structures
Invited Session organized by Arno Pronk, Rogier Houtman, Andrew Borgart
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Vacuum-Stabilized, Translucent Façade Systems
T. Schmidt, W. Sobek, W. Haase
Deflateable Structures Transferred into Façade Constructions
M. Bilow, T. Klein, U. Knaack
Mechanical Behavior of Vacuum (Deflated) Supported Membrane Structures
A. Borgart
Vacuumatic Prestressed Flexible Architectural Structures
F. Huijben, F. van Herwijnen, G. Lindner
Heat-Transmitting Membranes Vol.1
A. Pronk, T. de Haas, M. Cox
Heat-Transmitting Membranes Vol. 2
A. Pronk, T. de Haas, M. Cox