17/9/2007 11:15 - 13:15
IS-Formfinding and Conceptual Design
Invited Session organized by René Motro
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Formfinder Professional: Advanced Typology Classification
R. Wehdorn-Roithmayr, P. Jurewicz
Intuitive Design Software for the Conceptual Design of Tensile Structures
Erik Moncrieff
Shape Finding of a Membrane and Composite Profiles System in Tensegrity State
B. Maurin, R. Motro, A. Schacher, V. Raducanu
Prestressed Inflated Arches with Anticlastic Diaphragm
N. Pauli , J. Bovis
Tension, Air and Integrity
R.H. Luchsinger, R. Crettol, J.N. Farahani, T.S. Plagianakos
Dynamic Analysis of Inflatable Beams
Z. Jiang, J.-C Thomas, C. Wielgosz