18/9/2007 17:00 - 19:00
New Design Methods and Applications I
Room: Polyvalent Room
Chair: to be confirmed
New Developments for Cutting Pattern of Membranes
D. Ströbel, P. Singer
Sinclastic and Anticlastic: Win-Win Interaction Pressurized and Tensioned Membranes
V. Stavrev, R. Tomassian
Aeronautical Applications of Adaptive Inflatable Structures
C. Graczykowski, J. Holnicki-Szulc
Analysis of the Adaptability of Air-Inflated Components
L. De Laet, M. Mollaert, N. De Temmerman, T. Van Mele
Pressurized Membrane Structures in Space: Examples and Special Design Considerations
L. Bell
Fundamental Characteristics of Multi-Cellular Inflatable Space Structures
K. Ishimura, K. Higuchi