17/9/2007 17:00 - 19:00
IS-Rigidifiable materials for deployable membranes
Invited Session organized by Marco C Bernasconi, Brigitte Defoort
Room: Master Room
Chair: to be confirmed
Radiation Curable Composites for In-Orbit Rigidization of Inflatable Satellite Appendages: Material Selection and Kinetic Modelling of Curing
M. Mille, X. Coqueret, B. Deefoort, R. Mahias, S. Langlois
Development and Testing of Rigidifiable Composites for Structural Applications in Space
B. Defoort , M. Mille, X. Coqueret , M.C Bernasconi , V. Calard, S. Langlois
Alternative Rigidisation Methods for Inflatable Membranes for Space Solar Arrays
N. Markaide, J. Marcos, O. Zubillaga
Aluminium Laminate Boom: a Rigidizable Technology for Gossamer Structures
O. Le Couls , B. Santarre , C. Dupuy
Silicates as Versatile Structural Materials
M.C Bernasconi