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Number of visits: 146964

Monday, June 15th

08:15 - 12:30

08:15 - 08:30
Welcome and Opening address

08:30 - 10:30
Room: EL5
Chair: Pål Bergan
CoChair: Bjørnar Pettersen

Offshore Renewable Energy. New challenges in Marine Engineering
F.G. Nielsen

Isogeometric Analysis
T.J.R. Hughes

Fluid-Structure Interaction in Free Surface Flows Using the Particle Finite Element Method
E. Oñate, S.R. Idelsohn, M.A. Celigueta and R. Rossi

10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:40
Grand Challenges in Marine Engineering
Invited Session organized by Pål Bergan and Geir Skeie
Room: EL5
Chair: Pål Bergan
CoChair: Geir Skeie

Computational Mechanics in DNV Maritime

L.A. Hovem, O. Rognebakke and E. Steen

Design of Floating Wind Turbines
T. Holmas and J. Amdahl

Wave and Wind Induced Motion Response of Catenary Moored Spar Wind Turbine
M. Karimirad and T. Moan

On Dynamic Response Analysis of Fixed Offshore Wind Turbines - Aerodynamic Damping in General FEM Codes
E.E. Aasheim

Ship Hydrodynamics I MoM2
Room: EL6
Chair: Bjørnar Pettersen

A Numerical Study on the Iterative Techniques to Solve Partial Cavitation on Marine Propellers Using BEM
J. Baltazar and J.A.C. Falcão de Campos

Numerical Propulsion Test with Rotating Propeller
K.Y. Chao

On the Inclusion of Hull Roughness Effects in Ship Viscous Flow Calculations
L. Eça and M. Hoekstra

The Effect of Vortex Shedding on the Roll Damping and Response of Floating Bodies
J.M.R. Graham

Adaptive Mesh Refinement Applied at Transverse Flow on Ship Hulls in Shallow Water
K-R.G. Jakobsen, B. Pettersen, T. Kvamsdal, K.M. Okstad, B. Hægland and R.  Holdahl

12:45 - 14:00
Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:40
Isogeometric Analysis
Invited Session organized by Yuri Bazilevs and Thomas Hughes
Room: EL5
Chair: Yuri Bazilevs
CoChair: Thomas Hughes

Large Deformation Formulations for Isogeometric Shells

D.J. Benson, Y. Bazilevs, M.-C. Hsu and T.J.R. Hughes

Isogeometric Analysis for Marine Engineering
T. Kvamsdal, K.M. Okstad, V. Skytt and G. Skeie

Error-Bounded Solid NURBS Construction for Navy Structures Using Offsets
W. Wang, Y. Zhang and J. Qian

Rotation-Free Shell Element Technology: At The Service of Fluid Structure Interactions
P.-A. Ubach and E. Oñate

Ship Hydrodynamics II MoA2
Room: EL6
Chair: Håvard Holm

Efficient Calculation of Bow Flare Slamming in Irregular Oblique Seas
O.A. Hermundstad and T. Moan

A Numerical Method for Three-Dimensional Water Impact Problems based on the Wagner Theory and the Boundary Element Method
A. Tassin, N. Jacques and A. Nême

Numerical Simulation of Flows in Ship Propulsion Device using Pulse Detonation Engine by the Finite Difference Lattice Boltzmann Method
M. Tsutahara, S. Tajiri, A. Michiwaki, M. Sakamoto and A.K. Hayashi

Optimised Design and Analysis of a Small Water Jet Propulsion System
R. Gazzano, L. Ratto and A. Satta

15:40 - 16:00
Coffee Break

16:00 - 18:00
Invited Session organized by Pål Lader and Arne Fredheim
Room: EL5
Chair: Pål Lader
CoChair: Arne Fredheim

Modelling and Simulation in Aquaculture: Status and Challenges

P. Klebert

Efficient Visualization of the Flow Field Behind A Grid of Circular Cylinders Using GLview: A Comparative Study Between Numerical and PIV Experimental Studies
C. Muthanna, T.H Hansen, B. Pettersen and H. Holm

Parallel CFD Simulation of Flow Through Fishing Nets
K.M. Okstad, T. Kvamsdal, R. Holdahl and B. Hægland

Assessment of Fatigue Damage of Floating Fish Cages due to Wave Induced Response
P.E. Thomassen and B. Leira

The World Ocean Space Center; The Marine Technology Knowledge Center for the Future
A. Minsaas

Structural Integrity MoE2
Room: EL6
Chair: Magnus Langseth

Calibration of a Constitutive Material Model for Sub-Sea Pipelines
A.  Manes, R. Porcaro, T. Borvik, M. Langseth and H.  Ilstad

A Numerical Approach to Analyse very low Cycle Fatigue Crack Growth in Pipelines
B. Skallerud, E. Berg and K. Holthe

Offshore Platform and FPSO Safety Assessment - Analysis of Cylinder Shape Objects Crushing
A. Almasi

Towards the Construction of New ISUM System Combining Load Analysis and Structural Analysis
T. Yao, M. Fujikubo, K. Iijima and Z. Pei

Numerical Analysis of Weld Configurations of Stiffened Panels under Compression
N. Cardoso, T. Morais, N.F. Rilo, M.A. Neto, M.C. Oliveira, A.  Loureiro and L.F.  Menezes

18:30 - 21:00
Welcome Buffet at Marine Ocean Basin

Tuesday, June 16th

08:30 - 10:30
Room: EL5
Chair: Eugenio Oñate
CoChair: Julio García-Espinosa

Arctic Challenges
S. Løset

Interface Projection Techniques for Complex FSI Problems
T.E. Tezduyar, K. Takizawa, J. Christopher, C. Moorman and S. Wright

Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Fluids, Solids, and Coupled Multiphysics Problems
M.G. Larson

10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break

11:00 - 13:00
Fluid Structure Interactions I
Invited Session organized by Tayfun Tezduyar and Yuri Bazilevs
Room: EL5
Chair: Yuri Bazilevs

Novel Solvers for Linear Systems in Computational Fluid Dynamics

M. Manguoglu, K. Takizawa, A.H. Sameh and T.E. Tezduyar

Sequentially-Coupled FSI Technique
T.E. Tezduyar, K. Takizawa and J. Christopher

Analysis of Water-Structure Interaction Phenomena with Emphasis on Added-Mass Effects, Hydrodynamic Damping and Hydroelastic Instabilities
B. Hübner and U. Seidel

On a 3D Fixed-Grid Approach for 3D FSI-Simulations Including Large Structural Deformations
A. Gerstenberger and W.A. Wall

A Coupling Tool for the Partitioned Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interactions
B. Gatzhammer, M. Mehl and T. Weinzierl

Coastal Challenges
Invited Session organized by Sveinung Løset
Room: EL6
Chair: Sveinung Løset

A Collocation Method using New Combined Radial Basis Functions of Compact Supported and Multiquadraic Types for Simulation of Time-Dependent Problems
Y. Alhuri, A. Naji, D. Ouazar and A. Taik

Numerical Simulation of Tidal Waves using Differential Quadrature Method
M. R. Hashemi and M.J. Abedini

Absorption of Water Waves in a Two-Dimensional Numerical Flume
T.C.A. Oliveira, M.A. Celigueta, F.X. Gironella, A. Sanchez- Arcilla and E. Oñate

High Resolution Models for Hazardous Pollution Events Prediction in Near Shore Areas
P. Fraunie, G. Reffray, G. André and A. Sambe

Application of Plasticity Theory on the Simulation of Iceberg Impacts
Z. Liu, J. Amdahl and S. Løset

The Finite Element Method and the Simulation of Ice-Structure Interaction
G. Skeie and S. Løset

13:00 - 14:00
Lunch Break

14:00 - 16:00
Fluid Structure Interactions II
Invited Session organized by Tayfun Tezduyar and Yuri Bazilevs
Room: EL5
Chair: Tayfun Tezduyar

Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction for Wind Energy Applications

Y. Bazilevs, M.-C. Hsu, D.J. Benson and T.E. Tezduyar

Advances in the Development of an Unstructured FEM Solver for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems in Marine Engineering
J. García-Espinosa, A. Coll and E. Oñate

Conservative Level-Set Methods for Two-Phase Flow on Unstructured Meshes
C.E. Kees and M.W. Farthing

Advances in FSI using Lagrangian and Eulerian Methods
A. Larese, R. Rossi and E. Oñate

Numerical Simulation of Objects Dropped in Water and Motion of Vessels in Waves
P.H.L. Groenenboom

Structural Mechanics TuA2
Room: EL6
Chair: Bernt Leira

Crushing Mechanics of Girder Intersections in Ship Collision and Grounding
S. Haris and J. Amdahl

Holistic Assessment of Ship Survivability and Risk after Damage
M. Schreuder, P. Hogström, J.W. Ringsberg, C-E. Janson and E. Johnson

Two-Parameter Bifurcation of Equilibria of a Continuous-Time Naval Dynamical System
M. Altosole, A. Coraddu and M. Figari

Exchange of Product Model Data between Two different Marine CAD Systems using a Neutral Format
J. Li, C. Lee, W. Lee, S. Lee, I. Kim, H. Hwang and S. Han

Approximate Postbuckling Analysis of Imperfect Stiffened Plates with a Free Edge
L. Brubak, J. Hellesland and E. Steen

Methods in Cross Section Analysis of Flexible Pipes and Umbilicals
G. Skeie, N. Sødahl, A. Bøckmann and G. Valderhaug

16:00 - 16:30
Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:30
Adaptive Methods
Invited Session organized by Mats G Larson
Room: EL5
Chair: Mats G Larson

Adaptive Computation of High Reynolds Number Turbulent Flow

J. Hoffman

Goal-Oriented Error Estimation for Free-Boundary Problems using the Exact Shape-Linearized Adjoint
K.G. van der Zee, E.H. van Brummelen and R. de Borst

Adaptive Grid Refinement for Free-Surface Flow Computation
J. Wackers and M. Visonneau

A Posteriori Error Estimates for Fractional Step Methods in Fluid Mechanics
F. Bengzon and M.G. Larson

Comparison of the Elastic Mesh Update and a Concentric Shell Motion Method Applied to the Refinement Study of the Voith-Schneider Propeller
E. Borrmann, R. Tomcin, C. Corbett, C. Ewald, F. Gronarz and M. Behr

Coupled Problems TuE2
Room: EL6
Chair: J. Michael R. Graham

Numerical Simulation of Free Surface Flow Past an Oscillating Cylinder based on a Two-Fluid Model
S.  Kocabiyik and C. Bozkaya

A Coupled Numerical and Experimental Approach to the Study of Green Water Effects on a FPSO Hull
J. Aarsnes, H.J. Mørch and C. Muthanna

CFD Simulations of Wave Run-Up against a Semi-Submersible with Absorbing Boundary Conditions
R.  Luppes, P.R. Wellens, A.E.P. Veldman and T. Bunnik

Numerical Procedure for Ship Hydroelastic Analysis
I. Senjanović, S. Tomašević, N. Vladimir and Š. Malenica

The Fixed-Mesh ALE Approach for the Numerical Simulation of Floating Solids
R. Codina, J. Baiges and A.H. Coppola-Owen

Assessing Residual Variational Multiscale Edge-based Formulations on Free-Surface Flows
E.F. Lins, R.N. Elias, A.L.G.A. Coutinho and F.A. Rochinha

20:00 - 23:00
Conference Banquet Dinner

Wednesday, June 17th

09:00 - 10:30
Room: EL5
Chair: Trond Kvamsdal
CoChair: Kjell Magne Mathisen

A Hybrid Migration Method for Underwater Imaging
J.F. Dord and C. Farhat

Multiscale Computational Analysis of Substructured Shells through Homogenization
M.G.D. Geers, V.G. Kouznetsova and E.W.C. Coenen

10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break

11:00 - 13:00
Multiscale Modelling
Invited Session organized by Trond Kvamsdal and Kjell Magne Mathisen
Room: EL5
Chair: Trond Kvamsdal
CoChair: Kjell Magne Mathisen

On an Adaptive Scale-Bridging Finite Element Approach in the Presence of Micro-Plasticity

F. Larsson and K. Runesson

Multi-Scale Domain Decomposition Method for Large Scale Structural Analysis with a Zooming Technique: Application Ship Structure
A. Mobasher-Amini, D. Dureisseix and P. Cartraud

Utilizing Homogenization in Concept Design of Steel Sandwich Panels
J. Romanoff and P.M. Varsta

CFD Methods for Sloshing WeM2
Room: EL6
Chair: Ramon Codina

3D CFD Simulation of Roll Passive Dampening Tanks
G.Å. Øye and K.M. Gjerde

Effect of Diffuse Term Coefficent on SPH Sloshing Simulation
C. Pákozdi and M. Graczyk

A Comparative Study of Meshless Methods Applied to a Two-Dimensional Sloshing Problem
O.S. Shipilova, A. Bøckmann, G. Skeie and P.G. Bergan

Hydrodynamic Impact Pressure Computations and Experiments in an LNG Tank Section
L.Y. Cheng, A. Souto-Iglesias, A. Simos, J.L. Cercós, M.M. Tsukamoto, C.Y. Endo, M.A. Marín and E. Botia

13:00 - 14:00
Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:20
Environmental Problems in Marine Engineering
Invited Session organized by Julio García-Espinosa and Pedro Arnau
Room: EL5
Chair: Julio García-Espinosa
CoChair: Pedro Arnau

Ocean Current Profiling by Inverse Solution of Towed Cable Dynamics
E. Storteig, N. Polydorides and W. Lionheart

Analysis of Coastal Flow near Submarine Canyons using Tdyn Numerical Model
A. German, M.A. Maidana, M. Espino and J. García-Espinosa

New Experiences in Harbour Hydrodynamic Modelling in Operational Mode
M. Grifoll, M. Espino, G. Jordà, M. García-Sotillo and L. Ferrer

A Calculation/Simulation System of Sails Communicated in Real Time with Wireless Sensors
I. Ortigosa and J. García-Espinosa

15:20 - 15:45