3D CFD Simulation of Roll Passive Dampening Tanks G.Ĺ. Řye and K.M. Gjerde
Effect of Diffuse Term Coefficent on SPH Sloshing Simulation C. Pákozdi and M. Graczyk
A Comparative Study of Meshless Methods Applied to a Two-Dimensional Sloshing Problem O.S. Shipilova, A. Břckmann, G. Skeie and P.G. Bergan
Hydrodynamic Impact Pressure Computations and Experiments in an LNG Tank Section L.Y. Cheng, A. Souto-Iglesias, A. Simos, J.L. Cercós, M.M. Tsukamoto, C.Y. Endo, M.A. Marín and E. Botia