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3/9/2014    14:15 - 15:45
A. ANALYSIS: A4-1. Seismic Analysis - 1
Room: A.1.6.2
Chair: José M Goicolea

Response of Three Span Skew Bridges Subjected to Longitudinal and Transversal Earthquake Loading
Essam Ayoub, Charles Malek, Gamal Helmy

Vibration Behaviour and Seismic Performance of a Steel Cable-Stayed Bridge with Low Pylons
Tongxiang An, Osamu Kiyomiya, Vu Hoang

Seismic Analysis of a Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Truss Bridge
Yufan Huang, Bruno Briseghella, Tobia Zordan, Qingxiong Wu, Baochun Chen

Seismic Fragility Analysis of RC Frame-Shear Wall Structures
Huanjun Jiang, Xiaojuan Liu, Lingling Hu

Seismic Performance of the High-Pier Long-Span Continuous Rigid Frame Bridges Composed of the Ultra-High Performance Concrete
Lifeng Li, Wenpeng Wu, Xudong Shao

Design of innovative seismic-resistant steel-concrete hybrid coupled shear walls
Alessandro Zona, Graziano Leoni, Hervé Gegée, Andrea Dall’Asta

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