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3/9/2014    15:45 - 16:15
Room: Exhibition

The Development and Investigation of Continuous Girder Arch Bridge in Chinese High-speed Railway
Yao Liu, Gonglian Dai, Bin Yan

Villamaría Network Arch Bridge
Óscar Ramón Ramos Gutiérrez, Ricardo Rafael Pereira de Sousa, Frank Schanack, Marcos Jesús Pantaleón Prieto

Philarmonie de Paris: steel structure in a complex geometry building
Romina González Hierro, David García Menéndez, Leonardo Domínguez Ferreira, Gonzalo García Iglesias, Jorge López Tamames, Alejandro Bernabeu Larena

Chacao Suspension Bridge: Tender and Technical Challenges
Matías A. Valenzuela,Marcelo A. Márquez

TrengTreng KayKay Cable Stayed Bridge
Óscar Ramón Ramos Gutiérrez, Ricardo Rafael Pereira de Sousa, Guillermo Ortega Carreras, Frank Schanack, Marcos Jesús Pantaleón Prieto

Complete Structural Protection of the World´s Largest Cable Stayed Bridge
Luca Paroli

The evaluation of aerodynamic capacity for a bridge cross section applying a new type of fairing
Ho-Yeop Lee, NakHyun Chun, Seungtaek Oh, Hak-Eun Lee

Dynamic performance of timber truss pedestrian bridge used steel ball joint
Hideyuki Honda

Seismic Isolation System of the Djamaâ El Djazaïr Mosque in Algiers
Luca Paroli

Los Gallardos - Sorbas High Speed Railway Viaducts
Óscar Ramón Ramos Gutiérrez, Jorge Eloy de Vena Retuerto, Guillermo Ortega Carreras, Marcos Jesús Pantaleón Prieto

Regional Road North Part (Section 1) - Interchanges 1 & 5
Óscar Ramón Ramos Gutiérrez, Jorge Eloy de Vena Retuerto, Juan Francisco Martín Caracuel, Ricardo Rafael Pereira de Sousa, Marcos Jesús Pantaleón Prieto

San Benito Viaduct
Óscar Ramón Ramos Gutiérrez, Guillermo Ortega Carreras, José Manuel Martínez García, Marcos Jesús Pantaleón Prieto

Viaduct over Rego das Lamas
Óscar Ramón Ramos Gutiérrez, José Manuel Martínez García, Guillermo Ortega Carreras, Marcos Jesús Pantaleón Prieto

Shear Strength of Post-installed Diagonal Anchor
Mitsuyoshi Ishimura, Kazushi Sadasue, Koichi Minami

Structural Performance of Steel Concrete Composite Columns of Non-Symmetric Cross Section
Kazushi Sadasue, Koichi Minami

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