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5/9/2014    14:15 - 15:45
O. OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, MONITORING, AND INSTRUMENTATION: O1-4. Bridges: maintenance, monitoring and inspection - 4
Room: Polivalente 2
Chair: Guido Morgenthal

Monitoring of a Long Span Integral Bridge
Roman Geier, Thomas Mack, Erich Krebes

The Oporto São João Railway Bridge - experimental tests and design improvements
Jorge de Novais Bastos

Analysis and Measurement of the Behaviour of High Speed Railway Bridges
Óscar Ramón Ramos Gutiérrez, David García Sánchez, Marcos Jesús Pantaleón Prieto

Fatigue Life Evaluation of Welded Railway Bridge Based on Field Measurements
Ivan Lukacevic, Darko Dujmovic, Boris Androic

The Philosophy behind the North American Railway Fatigue Life Recommendations for steel bridge evaluation
Robert A. P. Sweeney

Assessment and Strengthening Experience with Bridges in Germany
Wolfgang Eilzer, Volkhard Angelmaier

Concrete repair system for highway viaduct pillars and a case history
Marta Bovassi, Carlo Pistolesi, Pasquale Zaffaroni

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