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5/9/2014    14:15 - 15:45
I. INNOVATIVE DESIGN CONCEPTS: I2-2. Innovative Design of Structures - 2
Room: A.2.6.1
Chair: Antonio Martínez Cutillas

2020 skyscrapers: challenge or mistake?
Mara Concepcion Perez Gutierrez

Mega-structural concepts applied to special buildings
Ginés Ladrón de Guevara, David Rodríguez Muñoz

Upgrading of Three Historic Arch Bridges over the Orange River near Keimoes, South Africa
Edward John Smuts, Abe A Newmark, Edwin J Kruger, Elma Lourens

An innovative road-bridge solution to give access to the future Zorrotzaurre Island in Bilbao (Spain)
Héctor Beade, Guillermo Capellán, Pablo Alfonso, Marianela García, Juan Ruíz, Raquel Sobrino

Butterfly Wings. An innovative bowstring concept to span the Ebro River in Logroño (Spain)
Héctor Beade, Guillermo Capellán, Pablo Alfonso, Juan Ruíz, Raquel Sobrino

Study of the Aurora Bridge with a FRP-deck instead of concrete
Kees van Ijselmuijden, Atte Iivari Mikkonen

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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