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5/9/2014    11:00 - 12:45
O. OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, MONITORING, AND INSTRUMENTATION: O1-3. Bridges: maintenance, monitoring and inspection - 3
Room: Aula Magna
Chair: Guido Morgenthal

Development and Practical Application of Prestressed Concrete Bridge Rating Expert System
Ayaho Miyamoto

Structural Performance of UHPFRC Wild Bridge during Construction Using the Advanced Bridge Monitoring
Olga Isabel Rio Suarez, Khanh Nguyen Gia, Marian Ralbosky, Angel Rodriguez, Bernhard Freytag

One Year Operational Strain Monitoring of Shanghai Yangtze River Main Navigation Channel Bridge to Normal Traffic
Zhi Sun, Wei Zhang, Ya-Fen Niu

Aerodynamic Characteristics of Indent Stay Cables of Tatara Bridge
Susumu Fukunaga, Masahiro Takeguchi

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