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5/9/2014    11:00 - 12:45
I. INNOVATIVE DESIGN CONCEPTS: I4-2. Innovative Design of Structural Elements - 2
Room: A.2.5.1
Chair: Ane de Boer

WG 1 Glass Structures - guidelines for application of structural glass
Geralt Siebert

A Slender Transparent Glass Supported High-Strength Steel Column
H.H. (Bert) Snijder, D. Dierks, E.M.P. Huveners, R.C. Spoorenberg

Load Transfer Materials for Hybrid Glass-Steel Facade Elements
Vlad Alexandru Silvestru, Georg Kolany, Oliver Englhardt

The influence of the edge design of glass on the edge strength
Daniel Neumer, Geralt Siebert

Studies on the Strength of Thin Glasses
Iris Maniatis, Gordon Nehring, Geralt Siebert

Thermal behavior of different concrete mixtures with pozzolanic additions
Francesco Surico, Amedeo Gregori, Roberto Marino, Federico Longhi

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