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5/9/2014    11:00 - 12:45
M. MAJOR PROJECTS AND INNOVATIVE STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS: M7-2. Bridge Mechanical Devices and Investigations - 2
Room: Salón de Actos
Chair: Laurent Rus

Development of flexible structure to reinforce and change height of RC viaduct column
Sakiko Abe, Hisano Abe, Shintaro Kado, Shinichi Tatsuki, Michitoshi Iwata

Experimental Study on Bridge Strands Galvanized with Zn-Al Alloy
Shunichi Nakamura, Turki Jarwali

Bearing solutions for large horizontal forces
Max Brüninghold, Simon Hoffmann, Pascal Savioz

Experimental Investigation on Fibre Reinforced Elastomeric Bearings
Eftychia Apostolidi, Alfred Strauss, Stephanos E. Dritsos, Konrad Bergmeister

Mechanical Behaviour of Adhesively-bonded Joints between FRP Bridge Deck and Steel Girder
Xu Jiang, Xuhong Qiang, Henk Kolstein, Frans S. K. Bijlaard

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