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5/9/2014    11:00 - 12:45
C. CONSTRUCTION: C4-1. Specific Construction Methods – 1
Room: Polivalente 1
Chair: Marina Doncheva Traykova

Development and Standardisation of New Precast Concrete Open Spandrel Arch Bridge System
Geem Eng Tan, Tai Boon Ong, Kok Keong Choong, Chong Yong Ong

Innovative concepts to cross a motorway without intermediate pier
Jacques Berthellemy, David Schavits, Charlotte Erre, Edward Petzek

Experiments on pocket-type rockfall protective nets at a real slope
Masakazu Namba, Koji Maegawa, Tomonori Tajima, Tetsuya Yokota

Competitiveness and progress in application of incremental bridge launching
Ana Mandic Ivankovic, Krešimir Ilic, Barbara Martinkovic

Large culverts made with precast concrete arch-shape elements connected with cast-in-place concrete
Mounir Khalil El Debs, Pedro Wellington Teixeira, Ana Lucia El Debs

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