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5/9/2014    11:00 - 12:45
A. ANALYSIS: A1-2. Structural Analysis of Bridges - 2
Room: A.1.6.1
Chair: Hitoshi Furuta

Evaluation of Secondary Stress at Main Cable in Suspension Bridge
Minjae Lee, Jinhyuk Choi, Jahgeol Yoon, Ho-Kyung Kim

Limiting slenderness values of smaller concrete tied arch bridges
Philippe Van Bogaert

Design and combined rail-structure response of a new high speed railway bridge
Pieter Vanderhaeghe, Bart De Pauw, Jonas Thielemans

Simulation of Construction Sequence for Partial Cable-Stayed Truss Bridge with Single Pylon
Zhang Yongtao, You Xinpeng, Vanja Samec, An Jiang

Study of The Fatigue Problem of The Side Suspender of Multi-span Cable-stayed Suspension Bridge
Xueyi Zhang, Fengzhou Liu, Rucheng Xiao

Thrust line analysis of historic bridges in Madrid Region
David Mencías, Alejandro Calle

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