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4/9/2014    16:15 - 18:00
A. ANALYSIS: A2-3. Analysis of Structural Members - 3
Room: A.1.6.1
Chair: Ane de Boer

Detailed analysis of a post-tensioned box-girder bridge for explaining the observed cracking patterns.
Mário Pimentel, Joaquim Figueiras

Buckling strength of curved bridge girder web panels, including residual stress
Philippe Van Bogaert

Evaluation of Local Buckling Strength of Square Hollow Section Member
Kosuke Sato, Kikuo Ikarashi

Analysis on the minimum shear strength of reinforced concrete elements without transverse reinforcement.
David Fernández-Montes, Enrique González-Valle, Elena Díaz-Heredia, Jorge Ley

Elastic Local Buckling Strength of Stiffened Plate under Bending Shear Stress
Yoshihiro Yanagishita, Kikuo Ikarashi

MultiScale Analysis of the Arch Feet Zone for CFST Arch Bridges with Steel Truss and Tie-Beams
Meng Zhou, Xiao-Xv Ning, Jian-Guo Nie, Jian-Sheng Fan

Experimental Investigation on IMG masonry reinforcement
Alberto Balsamo, Ivano Iovinella, Giulio Morandini, Gennaro Maddaloni

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