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4/9/2014    16:15 - 18:00
O. OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, MONITORING, AND INSTRUMENTATION: O3-2. Life-cycle Costs; Techniques for maintenance, Monitoring and Inspection- 2
Room: A.2.6.2
Chair: Miguel Ortega

Damage Detection of RC Columns in Shaking Table Tests by Singularity Analysis of Their Acceleration Responses
Tsukasa Mizutani, Takahiro Hida, Yozo Fujino

Nondestructive evaluation of composite beams of steel and concrete connected by adherence after monotonic tests
Hidelbrando J. F. Diogenes, Ana L. H. C. El Debs, Mounir K. El Debs

Application of multiplexed fibre optic high temperature sensors for structural monitoring of structures submitted to fire
Paula Rinaudo, Benjamín Torres Górriz, David Barrera Villar, Ignacio Payá Zaforteza, Pedro Calderon Garcia And Salvador Sales Maicas

Model based design of experiments and monitoring systems for parameter identification of structures
Peter Olney, Guido Morgenthal, Tom Lahmer

Noncontact NDE technique for Main Cables of Suspension Bridges integrating Direct Current Magnetization with a Searching Coil-based Total Flux Measurement
Ju-Won Kim, Seunghee Park, Dae-Joong Moon

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