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4/9/2014    16:15 - 18:00
I. INNOVATIVE DESIGN CONCEPTS: I2-7. Innovative Design of Structures - 7
Room: Polivalente 1
Chair: Harshavardhan Subbarao

Various Tower Shapes for Cable Stayed Bridges
Dante Lius

”Pedro Gómez del Bosque” pedestrian footbridge over the river Pisuerga in Valladolid
Javier Manterola, Javier Muñoz-Rojas, Juan Alonso Villalobos

”Puente de los Poetas” (Poets bridge) over the river Duero in the city of Zamora
Javier Manterola, Javier Muñoz-Rojas, Juan Antonio Navarro, Sara Fernández

Adelaide's Riverbank Footbridge - Ribbon of Light
Harry Courtenay Turner, Niko Tsoukalas, Paul Koehne

High speed railway bridge over the Tera river. Spain
Javier Manterola, Javier Muñoz-Rojas, Antonio Martínez Cutillas, Sara Fernández

Reconstructing the Gobbins Path
Gavin Wilson

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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