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4/9/2014    14:15 - 15:45
I. INNOVATIVE DESIGN CONCEPTS: I1-2. New Materials in Structures - 2
Room: Polivalente 1
Chair: Richard Stroetmann

A Innovative Longitudinal Prestressed Continuous Ultra-high Performance Concrete Box-girder Bridge
Rensheng Pan, Xudong Shao, Hao Zhan

New Findings on Bamboo-concrete Composite Slabs
Guido Morgenthal, Peter Olney

Reliability-based design optimization of a carbon fiber-reinforced polymer bridge.
Julio Rodriguez, Guillermo Rus, Juan Chiachio, Manuel Chiachio

The Ortho-Composite Slab of the Elbe Bridge Wittenberge
Rolf Jung, Tobias Mansperger

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