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4/9/2014    14:15 - 15:45
S. SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURES: S1-2. Sustainable Bridges - 2
Room: A.2.5.2
Chair: Eugen Brühwiler

Strengthening Existing Highway Structures in the Eurocode Environment
Joanna Bonnett, David Cooper

Rail-connection structure in Colombia
José Luis Marqués

LCC-Efficient Procurement of Bridge Infrastructures
Mohammed Safi, Peter Simonsson, George Racutanu

Sustainable Concepts for Concrete Bridges in Germany
Ioannis Retzepis

Concept design and construction of a footbridge over the new bypass road in the town of Sant Pere Sacarrera (Spain)
Xavier Font

The longest timber pedestrian bridge in Europe
Aslan Dzhandzhgava

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