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4/9/2014    14:15 - 15:45
A. ANALYSIS: A5-1. Finite Elements and Numerical Models - 1
Room: A.1.6.2
Chair: Jose Campos e Matos

Stress Measurement and FEM Simulation of a Steel Girder Viaduct
Tomonori Nagayama, Di Su, Yuuki Shimada, Akihiko Miwa, Yozo Fujino

Linear programming as a tool to study the stability of masonry arch bridges
Fernando Magdalena, Antonio Aznar, José Ignacio Hernando, Julian García

Stochastic Analysis of an Exotic Deployable Space Truss System
Noemi Friedman, Adnan Ibrahimbegovic, Hermann Matthies

4D Full-Scale Finite Element Analysis of Long-Span Composite Box Girder Bridges
Yixin Li, Jianguo Nie

Three-dimensional Parabolic Cable Element for Cable-Supported Structures
Dong-Ho Choi, Sun-Gil Gwon, Hani Nassif

Structural response due to wave impacts on a coastal protection
Hans De Backer, Amelie Outtier, Ken Schotte

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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