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4/9/2014    11:00 - 12:45
I. INNOVATIVE DESIGN CONCEPTS: I3-2. Innovation in Structural Behaviour - 2
Room: A.2.5.2
Chair: Andreas Lampropoulos

Three-dimensional antifunicular geometries in spatial arch bridges
Juan José Jorquera-Lucerga

The development of a Eurocode “Tensile membrane structures”
Natalie Stranghoener, Joerg Uhlemann, Marijke Mollaert, Peter Gosling

Application of Design Concepts at High Frequency Hammer Peened Welded Ultra High Strength Steels
Joern Berg, Natalie Stranghoener

Use of Parametric Design techniques applied to Civil Engineering
Annette Bögle, Jose Romo Martin, Jose Maria Ortolano Gonzalez

Software Platform for the Integration of Design Code Checks into Building Information Modelling
Iveta Bojidarova Georgieva, Peter Van Tendeloo, Petr Slepicka, Zuzana Hekrdlová, Jean Pierre Rammant

Exploring new structural shapes in steel bridges
Jose Romo Martin

Ultimate strength interaction of stiffening steel box girders in cable-supported bridges
Jong Seo Kim, Hae Sung Lee, Kyungsik Kim

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