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4/9/2014    11:00 - 12:45
I. INNOVATIVE DESIGN CONCEPTS: I2-1. Innovative Design of Structures - 1
Room: A.2.5.1
Chair: Rob Vergoossen

Innovation in the Sustainable Design Process of Earthquake Resistant Buildings: From Topology Optimization to Staged Construction Analysis
Mark Sarkisian, Eric Long, Andrew Krebs, David Shook, Alessandro Beghini, Abel Diaz Valdes

Bridge over Basarab Railway Station in Bucharest. Romania
Javier Manterola, Antonio Martínez Cutillas, Silvia Fuente

Toward rational curvature of reinforced concrete members
Ayman Embaby, Fetoh Aboel

Accelerated Bridge Construction and Seismic Low-Damage Technologies for Short-Medium Span Bridges
Mustafa Mashal, Samuel White, Alessandro Palermo

Design features of the bridge over the Danube river. Bulgaria
Javier Manterola, Antonio Martínez Cutillas, Juan Antonio Navarro, José Luis Álvarez, Ignacio Díaz

Railway Arch Bridge over the Tajo River in the Alcántara Reservoir
Javier Manterola, Antonio Martínez Cutillas, Borja Martín, Silvia Fuente

Chained floating bridge
Birger Opgård, Felice Allievi

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