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4/9/2014    11:00 - 12:45
C. CONSTRUCTION: C1-1. Cable Supported Bridges - 1
Room: A.2.6.1
Chair: Óscar Ramón Ramos Gutiérrez

Fatigue strength of lamellae joints in steel and composite bridges
Ulrike Kuhlmann, Konrad Kudla

Construction and Geometric Control of the Baluarte Cable Stayed Bridge, Mexico
Leonardo Guzman, Salvador Sanchez, Eduardo Reyes, Vicente robles, Alberto Patrón, Ernesto Morales

Cable Erection of Single Pylon Suspension Bridge, Dandeung Bridge
Hyunsok Choi, Jonghoon Moon, Seongho Kim, Seokyoung Cho, Hyun-Moo Koh

Erection of Catwalk Rope and Main Cable of Jeokgeum Bridge
Jungin Kim, Kusang Chung, Jahgeol Yoon, Sangchul Lee

Puente Mercosur - Truss Girder Bridge across the Orinoco: Design, Analysis and Construction
Karl Josef Humpf, Michael Müller, Celso Silingardi

La Florida suspesion Bridge
Juan José Arenas, Guillermo Capellán, Santiago Guerra Soto, Alejandro Godoy, Marianela García, Juan Ruiz

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