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4/9/2014    11:00 - 12:45
A. ANALYSIS: A6-1. Material Behaviour: Fatigue, Damage, Fire, Moisture, Bond - 1
Room: A.1.6.2
Chair: Bruno Briseghella

Effect of High Temperature Exposure on Concrete: Damage Assessment and Repair Methodology
Y. K. Guruprasad, Ananth Ramaswamy

Effects of extreme fire scenarios on bridges
Ulrich Bergerhausen, Jörg Schmidt, Frank Dehn, Eva Hamann

Failure and fatigue life assessment of steel railway bridges with brittle material
Johan Maljaars

Field Monitoring and Parameter Identification of Moisture Distribution for Mega Steel Reinforced Concrete Columns
Xin Zhao, Congzhi Yan

Bond assessment for corroded steel bars in structural concrete
Miguel Prieto, Peter Tanner, Carmen Andrade

Load bearing capacity of corrosion damaged beams after exposure to severe marine environment during 70 years
Miguel Prieto, Peter Tanner, Pablo Anaya

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