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4/9/2014    11:00 - 12:45
A. ANALYSIS: A1-1. Structural Analysis of Bridges - 1
Room: A.1.6.1
Chair: Javier Manterola

Structural Characteristics of New Continuous Arch Bridges
Kazuhiro Miyachi, Shunichi Nakamura, Masayuki Usui

A study on a modeling method for analysis of steel arch bridges
Kentaro Arimura, Takashi Yamaguchi, Masahide Matsumura, Junto Ueno

Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Bridges: Upper Bound Method of Analysis
Chitra Pattabi, Rakesh Singh

Analysis and Design of the Almonte Bridge
Juan José Arenas, Guillermo Capellán, Héctor Beade, Emilio Merino, Javier Martínez, Ysabel Guil, Pascual García

Differentiation of Target Reliability and Design Life in Design of Long-span Cable-supported Bridges
Seung Han Lee, Ho Hyun Lee, Inyeol Paik, Hae Sung Lee

Analysis of the structural response of a mid-span multi-girder composite bridge submitted to different fire scenarios
José Alós Moya, Ignacio Payá Zaforteza, Antonio Hospitaler Pérez, José Aguado López

Simulation of the construction process of cable-stayed bridges from a direct approach
Jose A. Lozano-Galant, Lidia Ruiz-Ripoll, Dong Xu, Ignacio Paya- Zaforteza, José Turmo

International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering. Barcelona, Spain. / Telf. + 34 - 93 405 46 94 - Fax. + 34 - 93 205 83 47
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