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3/9/2014    16:15 - 18:00
O. OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, MONITORING, AND INSTRUMENTATION: O3-1. Life-cycle Costs; Techniques for maintenance, Monitoring and Inspection - 1
Room: Salón de Actos
Chair: Jose Antonio Lozano Galant

Streamlining field inspections for infrastructures life-cycle management
Bruno Gonçalves, José Matos, Paulo Lourenço, Paulo Gonçalves

Life Cycle Costs - Any Use?
Jakob Laigaard Jensen

Non-destructive Structural Assessment Method using Imaging technology and Infrared Thermography
Masato Matsumoto, Koji Mitani, Necati F. Catbas, Shuhei Hiasa

The Development of a Novel Over-Ramp System for the Replacement of the Movement Joints.
Matthew Cartwright, Robert Percy, Derek Hughes, Jonathon Cass, Steve Pattrick, Said El-Belbol

Smart Strengthening of Existing RC Piers with SD490 and PCM
Katsuyuki Miyauchi, Hiroyuki Shimoeda, Hirotaka Mishima

Evaluation of expansion joints in Austria
Stefan Lachinger, Alfred Strauss, Maciej Kwapisz, Thomas Zimmermann, Michael Kleiser, Simon Hoffmann

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