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3/9/2014    16:15 - 18:00
I. INNOVATIVE DESIGN CONCEPTS: I2-6. Innovative Design of Structures - 6
Room: A.2.6.1
Chair: John Anderson

Guyed Towers for Wind Turbines - The taller the better
Ulrik Stottrup-Andersen, Mogens Gunhard Nielsen, Martin Jespersen

The Embassy for Refugees Pavilions
Thomas Prospert, Rory O'Malley, Toby Clark

Albolote - Santa Fé Overpasses. Granada External Bypass
Óscar Ramón Ramos Gutiérrez, Juan Francisco Martín Caracuel, Guillermo Ortega Carreras, Marcos Jesús Pantaleón Prieto

Dune Bridge: Abi Bakr - Imam Saud Road Bridge in Riyadh
Jorge Bernabeu Larena

Design and construction of the new St. Elmo Breakwater Footbridge in Valletta (Malta)
Hector Beade, Guillermo Capellán, Pablo Alfonso, Marianela García, Alex Bezzina, Jonathan Buttigieg

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