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3/9/2014    16:15 - 18:00
S. SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURES: S3-1. Materials and Standards for Sustainable Structures - 1
Room: A.2.5.2
Chair: Ho-Kyung Kim

Embodied Carbon in Structures and Cities
Mark Sarkisian, David Shook

Evaluating Structural Steel for Reuse through Field Monitoring
Jennifer Mcconnell, Thomas Schumacher, Erik T. Thostenson, Tayler Wennick, Philipp Keller

Sustainability of Infrastructures vs. Climate Changes
Stefan Zmigrodzki

Lessons from development of design standards in South Africa
Jan A Wium, Johan Retief, Celeste Viljoen

Simple Concrete Life Extension
Alexis Borderon

Performance of early RC structures of high cultural value in view of future utilization
Eugen Brühwiler

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