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3/9/2014    14:15 - 15:45
I. INNOVATIVE DESIGN CONCEPTS: I1-1. New Materials in Structures – 1
Room: A.2.6.1
Chair: John Anderson

Architectural Engineering of FRP bridges
Joris Smits

Mechanical characterization of recycled tire rubber to be used as seismic isolation of the structure
Laura Anania, Antonio Badalà, Giuseppe D'Agata

Structural limits of FRP-balsa sandwich decks in bridge construction
Michael Osei-Antwi, Julia de Castro, Thomas Keller

A Discrete Bond Law for Precast Panels Systems without Reinforcement
Nicola Turrini, Alejandro Pérez Caldentey, Luis Cano, Bruno Briseghella, Enrico Mazzarolo

Probabilistic local buckling strength analysis of compressive plates for normal and bridge high performance steels
Yoshiaki Okui, Masato Komuro, Dang Viet Duc

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