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3/9/2014    14:15 - 15:45
M. MAJOR PROJECTS AND INNOVATIVE STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS: M5-2. Building Structures and Singular Structures - 2
Room: Polivalente 2
Chair: Shunichi Nakamura

Building Envelopes: Structures at the Boundary
Matias Garcia del Valle, Adrian Roiz

New courthouse at El Ejido
Peter Tanner, Juan Luis Bellod

Metropol Parasol - Adventures in Engineering
Jan-Peter Koppitz, José de la Peña, Volker Schmid

Office Building “Belvedere”, Prestressed in three Directions
Jochen Ehmann, Oliver Englhardt, Matthias Gander, Elmar Kindle, Josef Taferner

Stability of Temporary Railway Trestle Crossing Deep Excavation
Jian Jia, Yu Zhang, Zhibin Zhang, Chuanping Liu, Xiaolin Xie

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