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Registration and submission of contributions will be through the conference Web site.
To be able to submit an abstract, you have to first register.
Registration does not oblige authors to pay the registration fee before the contribution is accepted.

If you are not registered
  1. Enter your personal data in the Web form (choose your own login name and password) and save it.
  2. Access your personal record and complete the abstract information.
    Be sure to complete the submission by clicking on the "Add" button.
    Only PDF files can be uploaded (maximum size 1 MB).
If you are registered
  1. Enter the site using your login name and password.
  2. Continue as described at Step 2 above.

Submission of Abstracts

One page Abstract describing the main features of the work should be submitted before February 26, 2018.

The submission of the full paper is mandatory and will be required by April 20, 2018.

The conference proceedings will be sent for consideration to ISI Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters) and SCOPUS.

To make any change in the contribution submitted you have to login as the registered participant, update the paper information and submit the new file.
To check that the submission was successful you have to refresh the web site and login on again. To avoid a double registration, please do not create a new record.

Please note that:

  • Papers final acceptance is contingent upon payment of the corresponding author's registration fee before June 21, 2018.

  • Only one paper per registered participant is allowed.

You can contact the Conference Secretariat for any question.

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Email: euceet2018@cimne.upc.edu
Tel: + 34 93 405 46 94
Fax: + 34 93 205 83 47


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