4/7/13    14:40 - 18:00
MS.7: Plasticity, Fatigue, Damage and Corrosion
Room: Novotel Chiemsee
Chair: Anh-Vu Phan
Rapporteur: to be confirmed
A plasticity and damage model for fiber reinforced polymers
U. Hofer

Analysis of the wing box with spliced skin and estimation of the fatigue life for the wing box
T. Narendranath Babu and V. Prasanth

A prediction methodology for the high cycle fatigue life of hydrogen-loaded structures
W. Bouajila, J. Riccius, M. Bruchhausen and B. Fischer

Damage identification in composite structures using full-field strain data
G. Labeas and C. Katsikeros

Structure and mechanical properties of aluminum after shock-wave compaction
S.A. Vorozhtsov, S.N. Kulkov and V.F. Komarov

Advanced Cryo-Tanks Research in CHATT
M. Sippel, A. Kopp, D. Mattsson, A. Fraters and S. Koussios

Modelling of corrosion damage of real aircraft structure.
V. Jeníček, M. Pazderová, L. Diblíková and J. Macák