4/7/13    14:40 - 18:00
FD.7: Missiles and Spacecrafts Guidance
Room: Holiday Inn - Forum 10
Chair: Daniel Chouckroun
Rapporteur: to be confirmed
Spacecraft in High Elliptical Orbit by "Star"-Configured Thrusters
V.A. Obukhov, A.I. Pokryshkin, G.A. Popov and V.V. Svotina

Low Orbit Operations of ESA’s Gravity Mission GOCE
M. Romanazzo, C. Steiger, V.D. Tran, A. Piris Nińo, P.P. Emanuelli, R. Floberghagen and M. Fehringer

Studies on Guidance Law for Interception Problem of Small Velocity Ratio
J. Guo, S.J. Tang and J.H. Xiong

Dynamic Modeling of Two-Part Missiles
B Özkan, M K Özgören and G Mahmutyazıcıoğlu

Firing Control Optimization of Lateral Propellant Impulse Thrusters for Trajectory Correction Rockets
G. Min, Z. Yongwei and Y. Suochang

The Estimator is the Key Element in Interception Endgames (*)
J. Shinar and V. Turetsky