1/7/13    15:30 - 18:50
SI.01: Air & Space MDO
Room: Holiday Inn - Forum 9
Chair: Martin Sippel
CoChair: Philippe Tatry
Rapporteur: to be confirmed
Multi-disciplinary Design Optimization of Hypersonic Vehicles with the Generalized Sensitivity Based Concurrent Subspace Optimization Process
L. Yan, W. Huang, J. Li and X-Q. Chen

An Integrated Approach for the Multidisciplinary Optimization of Engine Cycles for Rotorcraft
I. Goulos, V. Pachidis, F. Hempert, V. Sethi, R. D‘Ippolito and M. D‘Auria

Design of two-rotored UAV Cyclocopter
C.H. Lee, S.Y. Min, J.W. Lee and S.J. Kim

Development of Numerical Simulation Method for Safety Evaluation of Launch Abort during Ascent Phase
N. Tani, K. Kawatsu, E. Wada, K. Fujimoto and N. Yamanishi