2/7/13    14:00 - 17:20
SI.03: Space Mission Models
Room: Holiday Inn - Forum 9
Chair: Walter Zinner
CoChair: Jung-IL Shu
Rapporteur: to be confirmed
The AOCS‘ effects on the Propulsion Subsystem using the ESPSS Satellite Library
C. Koppel, M. de Rosa, F. Rodríguez Lucas and J. Steelant

A New Mission Design Approach for a Multi-disciplinary Space Rocket System Design
J.I. Shu, T.J. Kwon, J.W. Lee, S.H. Kim and J. Chung

New information intelligent monitoring technology for complex technical objects under dynamic conditions in real time
B.V. Sokolov, M.Yu Okhtilev, V.A. Zelentsov and S.A. Potrasaev

Surrogate models for space trajectory problems
G. Hericher, D. Yarotski, M. Lebedev, S. Morozov, S. Alestra and C. Brand

Challenges and future trends in Uncertainty-Based Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for space transportation system design
L Brevault, M Balesdent, N Berend and R LeRiche

Re-entry trajectory optimization for a SSTO vehicle in the presence of atmospheric uncertainties (*)
F. Pescetelli, E. Minisci and R. Brown

Deployment of the tethered satellite system (TSS): numerical modeling and dynamic control.
V.A. Leontyev and B.A. Smolnikov