2/7/13    14:00 - 17:20
PP.24: Nano Ingredients
Room: Holiday Inn - Forum 7
Chair: Valery Babuk
CoChair: Alexander Gromov
Rapporteur: to be confirmed
Modeling of propellant combustion with nano-aluminum particles
J. Dupays, Y. Fabignon, J.M. Lamet, E. Radenac and L.  Tessé

Coating nano-sized aluminum to improve solid rocket propellant performance
A. Reina, T.I. Gorbenko, I. Krawiec, G.  Colombo and L.T. DeLuca

Rheological and Mechanical Behavior of Coated Aluminum loaded Nano-composites
A. Reina, C. Paravan, M. Morlacchi, A.  Frosi, F. Maggi and L.T. DeLuca

Use of nanoparticles in gas generating and energetic materials (review)
V.E. Zarko and M.B. Talawar

Nano-sized aluminum for solid fuel regression rate enhancement
C. Paravan, A. Reina, A.  Frosi and L.T. DeLuca

Nano-sized bimetallic aluminum-copper powders in HTPB-based fuels
G. Vadalà, C. Paravan, P. Leoni, L.T. DeLuca, A.B. Vorozhtsov, N.G. Rodkevich and M.I. Lerner

Controlled oxidation of aluminum nano and micro particles: Modeling and validation
J.B. Gouriet, G. Litrico, L.L. Perez, P. Rambaud and P. Proulx

On the Statistics of Nanoaluminum Thermal Characterization and its Correlation with the Slow Oxidation/Combustion Parameters (*)
A.A. Gromov, C. Paravan, F. Maggi, L.T. DeLuca and U. Teipel